Carddav issue in 3.0.2 Oulanka [duplicate]
Hey all,
Since updating just wanted to give feed on my experience with the Carddav, I know this might be a reoccurring issue from before the one thing that made it different this time is it seems there was some update that is seen here
2019-03-18 12:22:41|install|buteo-sync-plugin-carddav|0.0.29-1.3.4.jolla|armv7hl||jolla|3748ebe091310ed1be7e22116e7cb79c9341cc2c|
# 2019-03-18 12:22:41 buteo-sync-plugin-caldav-0.1.48-1.5.4.jolla.armv7hl.rpm installed ok
So since then the regression of past issues where the carddav-client constantly runs keeps draining the battery. This is after in the previous release it had no issues. Since i have now disabled carddav account so it does not continue draining the battery.
Anyone else experience this?
Maybe as a workaround: In the past when I had this issue cardav was failing to write events (field changes) to the remote, entering in some sort of loop trying to sync outstanding changes. That is, if i interpreted the logs right . Removing and adding the account helped. Inconvenient, I know but may serve as a workaround.
rozgwi ( 2019-03-25 23:26:02 +0200 )editThat did resolve the issue, but more interested in what was the upgrade cause I did not see any CalDav updates
marxistvegan ( 2019-03-27 22:56:08 +0200 )editI would guess it's an older bug. Had this issue numerous times on so that i created dedicated qrcodes to rescan account credentials. Maybe there is a side effect from another change in the last update. I think it also showed up at least once on for me
rozgwi ( 2019-03-28 01:05:01 +0200 )editYeah I had done similarly but seeing some of them were old I felt it was possible to open a new question. Seeing that the same solution works I am going to close this ticket.
marxistvegan ( 2019-03-28 14:21:30 +0200 )edit@marxistvegan: Would you mind linking the duplicated question?
rozgwi ( 2019-03-28 23:13:46 +0200 )edit