Threema Web not working
asked 2019-03-25 21:40:56 +0200
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I installed Threema via it's apk download on SailfishX running on a Sony XA2. It works pretty well, except for threema web which seems to be unable to create a connection to the Sailfish phone.
Actually the connection process starts but then comes to an end at 60% asking whether:
- The phone is online (which it is via WiFi)
- If there is a browser-plugin installed blocking WebRTC
- If there is an Ad-Blocker installed
I've tried with a Win10 PC using latest Firefox and Vivaldi browser. For both there is neither a adblocker active, nore I have WebRTC blocked. Therefore as I don't think one of the above is the issue, I'm hoping for help here. Any ideas?
EDIT due to @bomo:
I didn't know about the diagnostics until now, thanks for the hint!
The WebRTC Diagnostics outputs:
Starting Call Diagnostics...
Settings: force_turn=0
ICE Candidates found:
Threema Web Diagnostics outputs:
Starting Threema Web Diagnostics...
Networks (o):
Non-loopback interfaces (2):
- 192.168.x.x
- fe80::xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx%wlan0 [link-local]
+0ms Starting WS tests
+24ms Connecting to WebSocket
+25ms WS state changed to CONNECTING
+466ms WS state changed to OPEN
+475ms WS connected (192.168.x.x:45334 ->
+476ms WS received 81 bytes
+483ms Received server-hello message!
+484ms WS state changed to CLOSING
+541ms WS state changed to CLOSED
+541ms WS closed by us with code 1000 (Normal closing)
+542ms WS tests complete (success=true)
+0ms Starting WebRTC tests
+0ms Setting: allowWebrtcIpv6=false
+76ms ICE renegotiation needed
+77ms SDP create success
+79ms PC signaling state change to HAVE_LOCAL_OFFER
+86ms SDP set success
+86ms ICE gathering state change to GATHERING
+92ms [host] udp ::1:58225
+92ms [host] udp ::1:58225
+93ms [host] udp
+94ms [host] udp
+206ms [host] tcp/active 192.168.x.x:9
+207ms [host] tcp/active 192.168.x.x:9
+208ms [host] tcp/passive ::1:59122
+208ms [host] tcp/passive ::1:59122
+209ms [host] tcp/passive
+209ms [host] tcp/passive
+11994ms WebRTC test timed out
+11995ms WebRTC tests complete (success=true)
Seem that WebRTC has timed out what doesn't look promising although it mentions a success at the end...
I think it's the WebRTC.
Spark ( 2019-03-25 21:45:41 +0200 )editDid you check threema settings -> troubleshooting -> web and webrtc diagnostics?
bomo ( 2019-03-26 00:05:40 +0200 )editJust a stupid guess, but is it possible that the LXC container that runs aliendalvik on XA2 is not forwarding and/or blocking traffic? Maybe google around for how to enable forwarding from LXC to host etc.
bomo ( 2019-03-26 13:24:32 +0200 )editWhen I connect via 4G-Network I can use Threema Web, however the connection is rather fragile. With WIFI it doesn't work, in the Web-UI it starts loading the session and stops at 60% with the message that the connection takes too long.
jollajo ( 2019-03-26 13:28:30 +0200 )editJust realised that if I disable IPv6 for my Threema-Settings-TroubleShooting-IPv6 for calls and web it also works on Wifi. My mobile operator (Vodafone, Germany) only supports IPv4 so it seems be that IPv6 routing has an issue.
jollajo ( 2019-03-26 13:32:39 +0200 )edit