One Jolla account to rule them all (not working!)
I have Jolla1 and XA2, both connected to one Jolla account. As XA2 has some minor issues I've followed a guide to login at my jolla account and enable developer updates (3.0.2 Oulanka fixed some of them!).
So far so good. :)
My Jolla1 about a week ago was happy to announce that it has brand new update (3.0.2 Oulanka).
Still so far so good. ;)
My XA2 at still says "sorry, no updates for you".
HELP! :)
(simple way, maybe, would be to make two accounts for both phones, but I consider this a bug)
Do you have the Sailfish X licence for your XA2? Namely, there are no updates for the free version of Sailfish X (see What you get in
jovirkku ( 2020-04-27 12:35:28 +0200 )edit