After Upgrade all CalDAV entries are deleted

asked 2019-03-27 14:32:34 +0300

oates gravatar image

After the upgrade to 3.0.2 the next caldav sync removed all items from the calendar. It iterated over every item in the calendar did a DELETE on that event. After restoring a backup on the server side, the same happend. I had to remove the account and recreate it.

caldav is configured in a two-way sync. The caldav server is Nextcloud 15.0.4

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Can you gather logs following this:

Damien Caliste ( 2019-03-27 18:26:24 +0300 )edit

Unfortunately this is not possible. I have deleted and recreated the dav account on the phone. That has fixed the issue (so far). And the journal has already rotated. I might try it with a Jolla 1 next week. It is still on 3.0.1 and has an dav account, too.

oates ( 2019-03-27 23:30:04 +0300 )edit

I had the same issue here after upgrading my Xperia X to I have both a CardDav and a CalDav account syncing with my Synology NAS. After the upgrade all CalDav entries on my Xperia and on my server were deleted. CardDav still worked fine though. I had to delete and reinstall the CalDav account on my Xperia, re-add my entries, and is working fine again since then. Neverteless I hope this will not happen again with the next update!

melg01 ( 2019-03-28 17:08:17 +0300 )edit

Do you think, it will help to delete the Caldav/CardDav Account before upgrading and adding it again after upgrading? I am afraid oft losing my contacts and appointments... (I don't trust my backups ;)

tomas3000 ( 2019-03-28 20:56:25 +0300 )edit

First of all, make some kind of backup of all your CalDav and CardDav data on your server or NAS, even if it's an export into some csv or txt file. After this step, yes, I'd first try to delete one of the accounts on your tablet, and then reinstall it. It could work that way...

melg01 ( 2019-03-29 02:18:41 +0300 )edit