Sailfish SDK requires old

asked 2019-04-03 12:49:18 +0200

Smar gravatar image

When I try to debug an app on Sailfish SDK, I’m getting error due bundled GDB not able to find libraries. My distro (SUSE 15) does not contain any more, and I don’t really want to maintain a package only for Sailfish SDK, especially since it’s only necessary for debugging. Outside of ancient distros (CentOS), I assume about everything provides already.

Please either update your copy of GDB, bundle with its dependencies or make a proper way to use systemd GDB (it seems to somewhat work) instead.

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PLEASE fix this. It took me a day of bothering with in-device stuff to figure out the issue is on the host side. The SFOS SDK FAQ further confuses people by mentioning that they need to install the gdb packages on the device when the same error pops up.

Almindor ( 2019-04-18 01:02:45 +0200 )edit