Android 9 for xa2?
I found that the sailfish x for xa2 on jolla's official website could not be downloaded just now. It shows that Sailfish X images for Xperia XA2 models are temporarily unavailable due to compatibility issues with Android 9 update. Will xa2 be upgraded to Android 9?
cemoi71 ( 2019-05-07 13:33:58 +0200 )edit1) with which version of android did you get your xa2? v8 or v9?
2) Which version do you have NOW on your xa2?
I had Android 8.0 installed and haven't upgraded. I just bought the XperiaX-image and then found out that the downloads are not available. A bit annoying.
EDIT: Just checked again and the downloads for XA2 seem to be available again.
hetas ( 2019-05-07 20:49:41 +0200 )edit