google calendar XA2

asked 2019-05-08 15:33:02 +0200

danfin gravatar image

even though we still can tick calendars: sync two-way in accounts, google calendars don't sync, plus, with google calendar or acalendar+ will only sometimes start up, and sometimes not. It does not really matter as they do not sync, but it would be nice if the non available feature was disabled in settings, too. Actually google calender never starts up, acalendar+ only sometimes.

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I've got Google calendar (2 different accounts) syncing... I flashed today Sailfish to my XA2 and set up both Google accounts > success with calendars syncing.

lumen ( 2019-05-08 21:15:12 +0200 )edit

interesting indeed and great to hear! now how to get mine running? Guess I'll delete the Google account, and do a pkcon refresh on the system and maybe reinstall google calendar too. But that's just trial and error.

danfin ( 2019-05-09 08:20:45 +0200 )edit

Ahem... I might have understood a little bit wrong... What I have is; 2x Google calendars syncing fine via 2x Google accounts - BUT these are syncing in Jolla's calendar - not in calendar app procided by Google. Sorry, if I misslead...

lumen ( 2019-05-09 09:17:45 +0200 )edit

ok, thanks for the clarification. That one I have too. But I am interested in Google calendar app for the to-do list and bercause my public transport planner exports to 'google calendar' and I like to see the calendar item in my Jolla calendar.

danfin ( 2019-05-09 09:52:21 +0200 )edit