[Sony Xperia XA2] android app line won't work at all [not a question]

asked 2019-05-09 06:42:31 +0200

Jeff_cheb gravatar image

updated 2019-11-27 17:00:36 +0200

jiit gravatar image

Detail just in title.

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The question has been closed for the following reason "not a real question" by santhoshmanikandan
close date 2019-05-09 07:22:53.416620


Kindly use this post to state the android apps not working in Android runtime

santhoshmanikandan ( 2019-05-09 07:22:25 +0200 )edit

It needs google service framework. I have it working with microG, installed using this how-to: https://together.jolla.com/question/200448/how-to-install-microg-on-xa2-android-81/

razcampagne ( 2019-05-09 07:40:06 +0200 )edit