Pure Maps installation guide [answered]
It would be nice to a native up-to-date navigation app.
OpenRepos has https://openrepos.net/content/rinigus/pure-maps but I am unable to install it. Could someone please help me?
My situation:
-installed OSM Server from OpenRepos
-Installed OSM Fonts from OpenRepos
-installing Pure Maps fails
-Installing mimic fails
All I get in the GUI is "Problem with installing".
In case there is a installation guide, link would also be appreciated.
UPDATE 2019-05-24
In case someone else is looking for the solution, I suggest first installing Storeman and then installing everything else with the Storeman. Note! that there are usually some Sailfish OS update notes regarding the OpenRepos.
Storeman: https://openrepos.net/content/osetr/storeman
With Storeman install OSM Server, Pure Maps and Mimic.
My installation problem was solved with pkcon refresh
as instructed by Levone1.
Which Sailfish OS version are you using?
mal ( 2019-05-13 00:09:23 +0200 )edit@potski If you're on 3.0.3, Pure Maps does not build yet for this target. The author is working on a recipe (RPM spec file) that can be used to successfully build for 3.0.3 and older versions of SFOS.
Maus ( 2019-05-13 11:31:42 +0200 )editThank you for the info!
potski ( 2019-05-13 16:58:23 +0200 )editIf you use only vector maps (Pure Maps) and not raster map clients (modRana), you don't need to install Fonts package. 3.0.3.x versions are tested right now.
rinigus ( 2019-05-13 22:05:14 +0200 )editcould someone tells why pure maps and modrana are not parts of jolla store? If they are great tools, then it place would be there too for the best.
cemoi71 ( 2019-07-07 13:39:31 +0200 )edit