Source of the Sailfish.telephony QML plugin [answered]
I would like to solve this issue (display the company field for the caller if present): by creating a patch.
By checking the /usr/share/voicecall-ui-jolla/pages/calling/InCallView.qml file it turned out it displays the caller/called name with the following snipplet:
property string callSimName: telephony.simNameForCall(telephony.primaryCall)
The telephony looks like imported with the import Sailfish.Telephony 1.0. I have not been able to find this component here: so I have no idea where to look for the sources. The only thing what I have found is the /usr/lib/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Telephony/ on the device.
Is it a closed source properitary plugin? If yes would it be possible to share what interfaces does it present (ie. is it possible to query the company name of the caller through it?) Or even better would not it makes sense to open sourcing this component?
Thank you for the answers in advance!