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Track down mobile data issue (Android, XA2) [3.1.0]

Tracked by Jolla (In release)

asked 2019-07-19 22:57:04 +0200

Mario gravatar image

updated 2019-08-29 17:48:43 +0200

harry gravatar image

Mobile data is still broken for some Android apps on XA2, even in Sailfish 3.1.0. Several prior releases provided some improvements but it's still not completely fixed. It worries me that its no longer listed in the open issues section in the release notes of Sailfish 3.1.0. Is this bug still worked on? Since it's a "reflash back to Android" kind of issue for me. So please, Jolla, can you confirm that this is still considered an issue and worked on?

Since the error pattern is really fuzzy, let's track it down together.

If you can confirm that a certain Android app does not work on XA2 (with Sailfish >= 3.1.0) over mobile data (but works on Wifi) please list the app below (or upvote if it's already listed). If the same app works for you over mobile data please write a comment and briefly describe your setting.

But let's stay focused on this specific bug (since it's hard enough to track down anyway), please do not list other kinds of connectivity issues. Also let's limit this list to apps that do not work for some (or all) people, do not list apps that generally work.

Edit: It really seems to depend on the mobile provider. Especially o2 Germany (but also some others) are affected. @Jolla, do you have any more insights about this? What's special about o2? And why is the Android subsystem affected by some provider details anyway? I would expect that connectivity (in general) is handled by Sailfish, not Android.

Edit:I found a permanent workaround: https://together.jolla.com/question/209532/track-down-mobile-data-issue-android-xa2-310/?answer=212609#post-id-212609

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Hi, I have a XA2 single sim and O2 Germany postpaid contract. if jolla wants to contact me, I am willing to spend time to help them debug it.

harry ( 2019-08-16 09:45:53 +0200 )edit


I would like to hear, that this issue is important for Jolla and they are still working on this... SFOS is great but banking relies on android, so it is still crucial feature.

pemek ( 2019-08-28 15:53:54 +0200 )edit

@pemek, you can already "hear" / see exactly that, as this question is "Tracked by Jolla".

olf ( 2019-08-29 15:46:04 +0200 )edit

25 Answers

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answered 2019-08-21 20:23:09 +0200

WedgeStratos gravatar image

T-Mobile US here, and while I know Jolla isn't too keen on supporting that right now, I'm experiencing issues all the same. juggling wifi and mobile data, Android apps are consistent on being conpletely disconnected. Discord is a prime example of such a thing. The moment you switch to mobile data, it acts like there is no connection. I have personally found that while disabling wifi doesn't always fix that, oddly enabling the wifi HOTSPOT fixes my connection. although in another odd situation, I switched from using epc.t-mobile.org (their 3G/4G APN) to fast.t-mobile.org (their LTE APN) and now the hotspot doesn't actually work. I used to get a connection to data using this method on an LG V20, but now, there is never a connection. That's likely an issue on the network end, though.

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answered 2019-08-26 12:32:47 +0200

pemek gravatar image

According to suggestion from Sailfish OS, OSS community collaboration meeting on August 22nd 2019,

.2. There is a file called /system/etc/apns-conf.xml which lists all the available carriers. It is possible that the one provided by AOSP 8 is outdated and that we need to update it, the community could check if https://android.googlesource.com/device/sample/+/master/etc/apns-full-conf.xml helps (overwrite /system/etc/apns-conf.xml and restart the Android Support). The community should also provide logs produced with: devel- (Jaymzz, 08:32:40)

...replacing apns-conf.xml does not change anything. Unfortunately I have no time to provide additional logs.

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Someone having this issue should capture and paste the logs for debugging! Command is: "devel-su lxc-attach -n aliendalvik -- /system/bin/logcat -b radio"

pasikarkkainen ( 2019-08-26 15:03:22 +0200 )edit

Where to send logs? What scenario? When aliandalvik starts? Or application start? Please point out some scenarios, it would be easier then to provide sensible data.

pemek ( 2019-08-26 15:40:30 +0200 )edit

Here are my logs:

08-28 06:31:10.086   284   284 D DCT     : [0]buildWaitingApns: mAllApnSettings=[[ApnSettingV3] O2 DE IMS, 556, 26207,
ims, , , , , , -1, ims, IPV4V6, IPV4V6, true, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, , , false]
08-28 06:31:10.086   284   284 D DCT     : [0]buildWaitingApns: couldn't handle requested ApnType=default
08-28 06:31:10.086   284   284 D DCT     : [0]buildWaitingApns: 0 APNs in the list: []
08-28 06:31:10.086   284   284 D DCT     : [0]notifyNoData: type=default
08-28 06:31:10.087   284   284 D DCT     : [0]isEmergency: result=false
08-28 06:31:10.122   284   284 I chatty  : uid=1001(radio) com.android.phone identical 7 lines
08-28 06:31:10.127   284   284 D DCT     : [0]isEmergency: result=false
08-28 06:31:10.131   284   284 D DCT     : [0]trySetupData: X No APN found retValue=false
08-28 06:31:10.132   284   284 D DCT     : [0]onDataConnectionAttached
08-28 06:31:10.132   284   284 D DCT     : [0]isEmergency: result=false
08-28 06:31:10.154   284   284 I chatty  : uid=1001(radio) com.android.phone identical 7 lines
08-28 06:31:10.158   284   284 D DCT     : [0]isEmergency: result=false
08-28 06:31:10.162   284   284 D DCT     : [0]setupDataOnConnectableApns: dataAttached hipri:[state=IDLE,enabled=false]
mms:[state=IDLE,enabled=false] supl:[state=IDLE,enabled=false] cbs:[state=IDLE,enabled=false] dun:[state=IDLE,enabled=
false] fota:[state=IDLE,enabled=false] ims:[state=IDLE,enabled=false] default:[state=IDLE,enabled=true] ia:[state=IDLE,
enabled=false] emergency:[state=IDLE,enabled=false]

It is pretty obvious to see, that android only finds a single APN which is of type ims. and ims is the APN for Voice over LTE.

harry ( 2019-08-28 10:30:31 +0200 )edit

And what shoud it look like when it is ok?

Edit: Looks like Android sees Play provider, some apps (settings) sees SIM and internet, but some still cant connect to internet. In particular bank app which is crucial for me.

pemek ( 2019-08-28 13:28:02 +0200 )edit

08-28 12:44:53.245 276 276 D DCT : [0]applyNewState(default, true(false), true(true)) 08-28 12:44:53.251 276 276 D DCT : [0]isEmergency: result=false 08-28 12:44:53.251 276 276 D DCT : [0]trySetupData for APN type default, reason: dataEnabled. Data allowed, reason: NORMAL 08-28 12:44:53.252 276 276 D DCT : [0]buildWaitingApns: E requestedApnType=default 08-28 12:44:53.252 276 276 D DCT : [0]getPreferredApn: mAllApnSettings is empty 08-28 12:44:53.253 276 276 D DCT : [0]buildWaitingApns: usePreferred=true canSetPreferApn=false mPreferredApn=null operator=26006 radioTech=14 IccRecords r=SimRecords: mDestroyed=false mContext=com.android.phone.PhoneGlobals@6f176a2 mCi=com.android.internal.telephony.RIL@9582fd0 mFh=Handler (com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.UsimFileHandler) {a410f33} mParentApp=com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.UiccCardApplication@4c732f0 recordsLoadedRegistrants=android.os.RegistrantList@ff60069 mImsiReadyRegistrants=android.os.RegistrantList@a145aee mRecordsEventsRegistrants=android.os.RegistrantList@736b8f mNewSmsRegistrants=android.os.RegistrantList@b848e1c mNetworkSelectionModeAutomaticRegistrants=android.os.RegistrantList@653a25 recordsToLoad=0 adnCache=Handler (com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.AdnRecordCache) {6f37fa} recordsRequested=true iccid=894806105[****] msisdnTag= voiceMailNum=null voiceMailTag=null voiceMailNum=null newVoiceMailTag=null isVoiceMailFixed=false mImsi=260060[****] mncLength=2 mailboxIndex=0 spn=null mVmConfigcom.android.internal.telephony.uicc.VoiceMailConstants@7c531ab mSpnOverride=com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.SpnOverride@95a7008 callForwardingEnabled=0 spnState=IDLE mCphsInfo=null mCspPlmnEnabled=true efMWIS=[B@a194a7c efCPHS_MWI=null mEfCff=null mEfCfis=[B@95eaf05 getOperatorNumeric=26006

pemek ( 2019-08-28 13:58:30 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-07-20 09:00:46 +0200

pemek gravatar image

updated 2019-08-28 15:39:44 +0200

The same with Targeo (simple navigation app with traffic real time data) Xperia XA2, dual sim.

Other apps also without internet: Revolut, IKO (banking app), and ... Store.

one sim card, Lycamobile PL, now PLAY, second slot occupied by SD card.

Edit: I have changed SIM to Play (1 of 4 national providers, Lycamobile is MVNO). The same issue. Unfortunately 2 sim w/a is not an option - SD card in 2nd slot is crucial for me.

Edit2: Things getting preposterous... Even Store (from Jolla) can't see internet connection. As XA2 became my only phone (jollaC screen died recently), phone become unusable for me.

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answered 2019-07-23 18:07:19 +0200

Luca gravatar image

Deezer App. Doesn't work on mobile connection.

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answered 2019-08-13 17:07:18 +0200

toba gravatar image

updated 2019-08-17 01:10:15 +0200

so i have de- and reinstalled android support and between that i deleted home/.android. before reinstalling micro g i triied to install some apps that had no internet before to be sure it isn't microg that causes those problem... discord suddenly works on mobile data, the app of my local subway doesn't. seems pretty random...

gonna try another complete reflash later...

EDIT: reflashed but same problem again.

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Merging networks of E-Plus, O2, BASE, Simyo, Blue and so on. Here maybe the reason will be found? From a technical point of view certainly not completely faultless.



4carlos ( 2019-08-17 08:02:54 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-08-14 09:33:53 +0200

inte gravatar image

A good point to start to examine this issue might be the behavior of the Aurora store. On O2 mobile data it is still possible to search for apps and surf within the store. However, downloading of any package fails. It feels almost like plain http/https connections for android apps are still possible while anything further doesn't work (maybe port limitations?). Has anyone tried to set up a vpn from android (maybe through port 443)? Does orbot work on jolla, and does it still connect on o2 mobile data (and may android apps then be able to connect through orbot)? My android settings claim that mobile data was disabled, but it's not possible to enable it within the settings... image description

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I was able to install Orbot and it can start a connection even on mobile data. The Socks Proxy is reachable on However, to enable other Android Apps to connect through Orbot it is supposed to run in VPN-mode which seems not possible in Aliendalvik (Orbot is crashing when enabling VPN-mode). At least, I found another app that works on O2 mobile data while most apps dont SCNR.

inte ( 2019-08-14 21:12:51 +0200 )edit

For Conversations I set the server address manually to and created a SSH-tunnel to the actual server. But Conversations didn't even try to connect, since it thought there is no Internet connection anyway.

Mario ( 2019-08-15 18:52:31 +0200 )edit

Interesting. May this bug be related to some android-internal signalling (like a dbus message or something signalling offline status even when online?).

inte ( 2019-08-16 07:26:33 +0200 )edit

I think the Android subsystem actually think it is offline, therefore, signaling its state correctly. According to its wrong beliefs. Still, I don't know much about Android, I'm just guessing based on my observations (and on how I think this would fit together.

Mario ( 2019-08-20 23:18:55 +0200 )edit

yes, exactely. Maybe related to the simcard type used by o2.

inte ( 2019-08-21 10:45:03 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-08-15 21:19:27 +0200

fm0 gravatar image

XMPP chat app Atalk installed via F-Droid (https://f-droid.org/en/packages/org.atalk.android/) can consistently connect via mobile data while all other apps cannot.

I have German provider Drillisch/ O2

Can anybody confirm this?

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Yes, Atalk works over mobile data (could reproduce with o2/Drillisch). So this disproves other theories that regular TCP sockets would not work, only HTTP requests. I think there is a call in Android to ask the operating systems, whether there is an Internet connection or not. And this always returns "False" on mobile data. However, if the app does not care about this and just opens a connection, it works. I think that's the difference between Conversation and Atalk, here. (However, I'm not an Android programmer, this is just an assumption.)

Mario ( 2019-08-19 23:12:11 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-08-16 18:58:43 +0200

juru2 gravatar image

Thank you for raising this issue and I hope it can be solved in the near future. Besides DB Navigator, which has already been listed:

  • Webuntis doesn't work on mobile [just offline version]
  • Trello [offline version, no sync]
  • Signal
  • ics cards app

My phone: XA 2 dual sim My provider: Drillisch / discotel O2 My phone does not recognize my sim-card ("unknown" in settings) It was recognized by my old Jolla phone, but I haven't checked since the update to SFOS 3

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answered 2019-08-02 15:55:26 +0200

Amboss gravatar image

updated 2019-08-02 16:06:45 +0200

Signal Messenger (4.43.8)

Using different SIM cards, but all of them on O2 Germany. We had M-Net and Drillisch. Sadly the one from O2 directly had to be cut to size and I destroyed it that way. So there is no test, if it's just resellers. Maybe I can get hands on an original O2 SIM in 2 weeks time.

Maybe it has to do with the merger of O2 and eplus. Kind of roaming within the same network?

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I can confirm, the issue is not limited to reseller plans. Using my original O2 SIM results in the same "mobile data unawareness"...

majuss ( 2019-08-02 18:56:33 +0200 )edit

also on original o2 sim and can confirm the same...

toba ( 2019-08-04 09:58:37 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-08-06 15:02:18 +0200

toba gravatar image

updated 2019-08-06 17:37:43 +0200

not sure if an answer but i could imagine that 2 modems where 1is expected could cause issues.....http://bqubik.de/zeugs/sim.png

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Thanks for the info. Which menu is shown in this screenshot? However, this bug report is about the issue where mobile data works fine for native Sailfish apps (and also some Android apps), but won't work for other Android apps. Thus, I do not think that this issue is related to modem/hardware/Sailfish problems.

Mario ( 2019-08-06 17:30:38 +0200 )edit

its the hardwarecheck... i guess this could be caused by bad settings transmitted by o2 that install two modems on one simcard, confusing most androidapps... u could check if u have similar outcome if u check ur device... go to productinfo and tap severaltimes on the buildnumber... so hardwarecheck will apear.... if you have also two modems where the system awaits one and the test is shown as failed, we have a similarity we could let checked by the jollaists...

toba ( 2019-08-06 17:37:06 +0200 )edit

I'm on Vodafone Germany and have no problems. I checked my SIM with the hardwarecheck and got the same failure like yours : 2 modems (1 is expected), so I think, that's not the problem.

4carlos ( 2019-08-06 18:04:05 +0200 )edit

ok. nice to know. thx

toba ( 2019-08-06 18:07:28 +0200 )edit

And I dont have any issues reported for my SIM card: The test passes. I own the single SIM version of the XA2. So this test result can't tell us anything more, as I understand the issue comes up whether the single or dual SIM version is used.

majuss ( 2019-08-06 19:38:18 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2019-07-19 22:57:04 +0200

Seen: 5,089 times

Last updated: Sep 09 '19