problem: sms not delivered [not relevant]
some sms seems to be sendt but are not received by the other party. Happened on Telenor Norway network (both SIM, sending and receiver. I haven't tested what would happen with delivery report option turned on.
I have a colleague with jolla that has 3 sweden and his sms isn't delivered during a call but gets delivered after he end the call. He can still receive sms during call and he can send sms but they doesn't get delivered during call. I asked him, it's not always and sometimes he can't send sms at all
abc123 ( 2014-01-29 21:01:33 +0200 )editShould be quite severe bug if/when gets confirmed..
foss4ever ( 2014-01-30 03:56:56 +0200 )editnot sure about severity, happened with other devices too before. could also be (temporary ) error at the service provider
Cary Grant ( 2014-01-30 08:06:58 +0200 )editwell, if phone as messaging device is the reason that communication breaks-down, that's pretty critical. Lets hope it's just a glitch in network etc..
foss4ever ( 2014-01-30 08:31:44 +0200 )edit