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Uninstall Sailfish OS from XA2 Ultra

asked 2019-08-01 15:44:01 +0200

Haldun gravatar image

updated 2019-08-19 11:14:55 +0200

Is there an extensive / complete user guide on how to UN install Sailfish OS and revert back to Android?

I have tried the following but failed in many different ways:

  1. EMMA: It fails ? to correctly identify my XA2 Ultra (1312-4773),

image description

so doesn't do anything: Because of Unlocked bootloader?

image description

  1. FlashTool (Sony Mobile Flasher by Androxyde) latest version): It does not provide me with the correct ROMs,

image description

or does not see the downloaded ones after creating FTFs

  1. FlashTool ( older versions) Allthoug this shows the downloaded and created FTF files, all of them do not flash because of a lot of INCORRECT version within the downloaded files?

Anyone walked these roads before or have a simple method of reverting to Android on XA2 Ultra?

e.g. Is it possible to go back to the stock rom of my Sony XA2 Ultra, that does not refer to this only article that I allready found and does not work for me ( see point 1) https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004283713-Reverting-Xperia-to-Android-OS-and-reinstalling-Sailfish-OS


So what I suspected about EMMA was correct ( bootloader unlocked because of Sailfish Installation)

This is what Sony Xperia Companion tells me:

image description

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Does that Developer World link in Emma tell anything useful for your case?

Filip K. ( 2019-08-01 16:54:14 +0200 )edit

Hi. Install the Flashtool64 and block bootloader in your device.. The Xperia Companion ill work normal... Or user the FlashTool64 to install new OS

Rafaelvlmendes ( 2019-08-01 17:13:03 +0200 )edit

@Filip K.:

the Developer World link just sends me to the general site https://developer.sony.com/

@Rafaelvlmendes: Install the Flashtool64 and block bootloader in your device:
The tool cannot lock it back unfortunately ( with no specific error, just says: your device cannot be locked ):(

Which new OS am I to install, since the downloaded ( with the built in xperifirm tool) ones don't install?

I will add some more errorscreens tomorrow, when I can try it again...

Haldun ( 2019-08-01 19:07:06 +0200 )edit

@Haldun I try in xperifirm with commercial and journalist. I dont understand why your device no want lock using flahtool64. I try with Xperia X and work normal. Download the commercial and journalist, go to flashtool64 and create file extencion ftf and try flasher your device

Rafaelvlmendes ( 2019-08-01 23:03:41 +0200 )edit

This is what Flashtool64 gives when I try to lock the bootloader again:

02/059/2019 09:59:26 - WARN - Unable to read TA unit 10021, error=-22 ( Hex unit value 00002725 )

02/059/2019 09:59:26 - INFO - Connected device : H4233 / SW release 1311-2987_50.1.A.5.59 / Customization 1312-1382_R7A 02/059/2019 09:59:26 - INFO - Last flash date : null

02/059/2019 09:59:26 - INFO - Phone ready for flashmode operations.

02/059/2019 09:59:26 - INFO - Sending Read-TA:2:2226

02/059/2019 09:59:26 - INFO - Read-TA status : FAIL

02/059/2019 09:59:26 - WARN - Unable to read TA unit 2226, error=-22 ( Hex unit value 000008B2 )

02/059/2019 09:59:27 - INFO - Sending Sync

02/059/2019 09:59:27 - INFO - Sync status : OKAY

02/059/2019 09:59:27 - INFO - Sending powerdown

02/059/2019 09:59:27 - INFO - powerdown status : OKAY

02/059/2019 09:59:27 - WARN - Your device cannot be relocked

02/059/2019 09:59:27 - INFO - Device connected in flash mode

Haldun ( 2019-08-02 11:56:14 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2019-08-02 13:04:53 +0200

zv0r gravatar image

updated 2019-08-02 13:13:29 +0200

Hello. Second screenshot is XperiFirm, not Flasher by Androxyde. You can download directory with android firmware with XperiFirm, dowload GordonGate driver and Newflasher. Put Xperia in flash mode (Vol- and connect cable. LED should be green). Install gordongate driver for smartphone, put newflasher.exe in directory with firmware files, run it thorugh command line.

Hope this help.

UPD: yesterday I've rollback to android my XA2 plus with this method.

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I am sorry for not chronologically and completely being able to write and screenshot everything I have tried so far...

Yes it is Xperifirm, started from within Flashtool ( Androxyde)

The first issue is, I cannot find the exact same CDA version that my BOX shows:

H4233>SI 1312-4773

While EMMA shows me this:

Software: App-sw: 1311-2987 50.1.A.5.59

Customization: CDF: 1312-1387 R7A

So I cannot find an exact match with the XperiFirm list

But no matter which one I download and create FTF file within Flashtool, the same tool DOES not see the FTF file it created just a moment ago...

Secondly, If I create a FTF file manually, I get lots of other issues (for example I cannot choose the correct Device ID from the drop down list, there is NO H4233 model?)

And although this way I can create a FTF which is shown in the list afterwards, this file cannot flash due to: a popup saying No Partition file selected?, which I can klick OK or cancel But: after that No flash script? so proces stops or The bundle does not match the connected device, and process stops... anyway...

I will try your method...Could you perhaps elaborate a little bit more and write down step by step what you did with newflasher?

thanx in advance

Haldun ( 2019-08-02 14:25:10 +0200 )edit
  1. So, why not just to try download firmware for your model and country?

  2. If you don't have flash script, again, try newflasher.

My steps to rollback to android:

  1. Download firmware for with XperiFirm.

  2. Download newflasher and gordongate drivers.

  3. Put newflasher.exe in firmawere direcotry (with sin, hash and xml files).

  4. Turn off the phone, press Vol down button and connect it to pc. LED shoud light green.

  5. Install goradongate driver for your device.

  6. Go to firmware directory and run newflasher.exe from it.

  7. Done

zv0r ( 2019-08-02 14:41:04 +0200 )edit
  1. Not one matches the code on my Sony XA2 Ultra Dual Sim BOX which is H4233 SI 1312-4773 But this one on the box is not the one that EMMA itself claim: Software: App-sw: 1311-2987 50.1.A.5.59 Customization: CDF: 1312-1387 R7A

If I choose/download the closest match, which is 1312-1387 HongKong Customized HK. it does not work automatically within Flashtool ( latest version from Androxygen) and does not work manually...

I will try newflasher, however, a more explicit / elleborate guide would be much appreciated!


Haldun ( 2019-08-02 14:48:10 +0200 )edit

If you google "sony 1312 4773" you'll find nothing but this thread. So, I believe, you make a mistake with your phone model detection :) just download firmware for smartphone country where it officially was bought.

zv0r ( 2019-08-02 16:25:01 +0200 )edit

See newly added photograph of my actual box

Haldun ( 2019-08-19 11:15:34 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-08-19 12:05:49 +0200

aQUICK1 gravatar image

Maybe phone needs extra settings activated in dev mode like usb debugging or android debug, maybe root acces? Other data cable? connect with vol+ or vol-, factory reset and then try all options again?

Hope u managed to reflash it, I was glad to go back and use Lin OS, but soon I will sell my XA2. Good luck

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Asked: 2019-08-01 15:44:01 +0200

Seen: 2,250 times

Last updated: Aug 19 '19