[Bug] Sailfish contacts arent synced to Android
Freshly installed Sony Xa2 Ultra dual sim with Android 8.1 and Sailfish
Installed Signal messenger, which can receive messages. However; contacts aren't shown when messages are received, only numbers. The contacts are shown in the peoples app.
- Tried restarting the Android-support.
- Tried removing Signal (incl removing the data), syncing the contacts to the Android layer and only then starting Signal.
- Signal has permissions to access contacts in the Android-settings.
- Tried removing the Android contacts.db (as decribed here: https://together.jolla.com/question/189945/xperia-x-google-contacts-not-synced-on-android-apps/?answer=196146#post-id-196146 ) but that file doesn't seem to be there anymore.
- Tried giving Signal permissions to access Sailfish contacts, as described on the Zendesk page for Whatsapp, but the option to give permissions is missing from the Sailfish Android-support settings
(reference: )
Any idea's on what to try next?
did you install coderus' aliendalvik control? there you have the possibility to open the andoid contacts app. you can take a look if your contacts are synced to the android layer.
Zandi ( 2019-08-10 23:46:42 +0200 )edit