How to resolve an overlay error in release
My app uses an overlay that follows the approach of harbour-batteryoverlay and harbour-screentapshot. This doesn't work any more with Sailfish OS release The log shows the following error:
[D] ViewHelper::showSettings:163 - show settings
[D] unknown:0 - Using Wayland-EGL
library "" wasn't loaded and RTLD_NOLOAD prevented it
This is the code snipped of the showSettings
method with a generic app name :
void ViewHelper::showSettings()
qDebug() << "show settings";
QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject("/harbour/myapp/settings", this,
| QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableSignals);
qGuiApp->setApplicationName("MyApp Overlay Settings");
qGuiApp->setApplicationDisplayName("MyApp Overlay Settings");
settingsView = SailfishApp::createView();
settingsView->setTitle("MyApp Overlay Settings");
settingsView->rootContext()->setContextProperty("helper", this);
if (!overlayView) {
QDBusConnection::sessionBus().connect("", "/harbour/myapp/overlay",
"harbour.myapp", "overlayRunning", this, SIGNAL(overlayRunning()));
QObject::connect(settingsView, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this,
QObject::connect(settingsView, SIGNAL(closing(QQuickCloseEvent*)), this,
The overlay is running in the emulator, but not on an Jala Accione P target device. I also tried an Intext Aqua Fish device, that was migrated to a Jolla C device.
With the last one I have a pyotherside problem and had to add the related repository with ssu ar mer-tools
first to be able to build and deploy the app. After a successfull deployment, the overlay works.
I found a discussion of the last year from Sailfish porters. The conclusion could be, that the hardware adaption of the Accione P device is buggy or some parts are missing. But the following test seem to falsify this thesis.
I installed the BatteryOverlay2 and Screentapshpt2 from the Harbour app stpre on the Accione P device. Both apps are working. So I concluded, that it could be a problem with the Kit and I installed the target on the build server. But the same error occured.
Has someone an idea?