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Cannot install apps from harbour [answered]

asked 2013-12-26 14:23:00 +0300

hwesselmann gravatar image

updated 2014-01-31 00:32:11 +0300

ssahla gravatar image

I am not able to install any apps from the Jolla store. Every time I try, I am getting an unspecific error. It was possible to add the following apps:

  • Notes
  • Android support
  • Microsoft Exchange
  • Clock
  • Media
  • Calendar
  • Calculator
  • Documents
  • Mail

Installing Android apps from Yandex or Amazon works fine, but I would prefer native apps for most use cases. Anyone else having this problem? I have resetted my Jolla several times and tried installation before and after updating to the latest Sailfish version.

Here is the log-output from initiaing app installation to failure notice:

Jan 06 19:10:06 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Store::Server::makeUrl:160 - Request URL:  QUrl( "https://d1gmizwe9eo718.cloudfront.net/eb8c3190f32440c7b5b039fcfe6ac257/eebab327eebbd3954facfbe766001a54.png" )  
Jan 06 19:10:06 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Store::Server::slotApplicationListFinished:806 - Store::Server::slotApplicationListFinished: Store::RequestProxy(0x4c52c158) QNetworkReplyHttpImpl(0x4992e218)  QUrl( "https://store-api.jolla.com/api/v001/application/?user__uuid=&3&device=sbj&osversion=" )  
Jan 06 19:10:06 localhost dbus-daemon[941]: Refreshing ApplicationData
Jan 06 19:10:06 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Store::Server::slotReviewListFinished:855 - Store::Server::slotReviewListFinished 
Jan 06 19:10:07 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Store::Server::makeUrl:160 - Request URL:  QUrl( "https://store-api.jolla.com/api/v001/user/887a756e-c303-11e2-aaaf-22000a2494fc/" )  
Jan 06 19:10:07 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Store::Server::makeUrl:160 - Request URL:  QUrl( "https://store-api.jolla.com/api/v001/user/c01e3ed6-4fb8-4d33-8936-ac6bbff12647/" )  
Jan 06 19:10:07 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Store::Server::makeUrl:160 - Request URL:  QUrl( "https://store-api.jolla.com/api/v001/user/f621752e-c7ac-11e2-9751-22000a2494fc/" )  
Jan 06 19:10:07 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Store::Server::slotUserFinished:973 - Store::Server::slotUserFinished 
Jan 06 19:10:07 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Store::Server::slotUserFinished:973 - Store::Server::slotUserFinished 
Jan 06 19:10:07 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Store::Server::slotUserFinished:973 - Store::Server::slotUserFinished 
Jan 06 19:10:07 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Store::Server::slotReviewListFinished:855 - Store::Server::slotReviewListFinished 
Jan 06 19:10:07 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Store::Server::slotLikesListFinished:902 - Store::Server::slotLikesListFinished 
Jan 06 19:10:07 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Store::Server::slotLikesListFinished:903 - error code: 0 
Jan 06 19:10:07 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Liker::slotLikesReceived:98 - Liker::slotLikesReceived: "eb8c3190-f324-40c7-b5b0-39fcfe6ac257" 100 false 
Jan 06 19:10:07 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Store::Server::slotReviewListFinished:855 - Store::Server::slotReviewListFinished 
Jan 06 19:10:07 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] ReviewModel::slotRequestFinished:178 - finished loading reviews 
Jan 06 19:10:07 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Store::Server::postInstalled:185 - Store::Server::postInstalled 
Jan 06 19:10:07 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Store::Server::makeUrl:160 - Request URL:  QUrl( "https://store-api.jolla.com/api/v001/myapplications/" )  
Jan 06 19:10:07 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Store::Server::postInstalled:191 - Payload: "{
    "application": "eb8c3190-f324-40c7-b5b0-39fcfe6ac257"
Jan 06 19:10:07 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] PackageHandler::install:127 - Installing Package: "harbour-flashlight" 
Jan 06 19:10:07 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] PackageHandler::setPackageStatus:58 - setting package status "harbour-flashlight" 2 
Jan 06 19:10:07 localhost dbus-daemon[941]: StatusIcon width changed: 32
Jan 06 19:10:07 localhost jolla-settings[24213]: [D] DeveloperModeSettingsWorker::onPackageProgressChanged:197 - onPackageProgressChanged: "harbour-flashlight" 0 
Jan 06 19:10:07 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::resolveInstalled:99 - void Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::resolveInstalled(const QString&) "harbour-flashlight" 
Jan 06 19:10:07 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::slotTransactionFinished:288 - void Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::slotTransactionFinished(PackageKit::Transaction::Exit, uint) 1 12 
Jan 06 19:10:07 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::resolve:118 - void Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::resolve(const QString&) "harbour-flashlight" 
Jan 06 19:10:07 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] StoreImageProvider::load:46 - retrieved 346462 bytes of image data for "image://store/eb8c3190f32440c7b5b039fcfe6ac257/e4f1d9e06cd029c94ecf3251374f1faf.png" 
Jan 06 19:10:07 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] StoreImageProvider::requestImage:33 - serving image "image://store/eb8c3190f32440c7b5b039fcfe6ac257/e4f1d9e06cd029c94ecf3251374f1faf.png" with size QSize(540, 960) 
Jan 06 19:10:07 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::slotTransactionFinished:288 - void Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::slotTransactionFinished(PackageKit::Transaction::Exit, uint) 1 8 
Jan 06 19:10:07 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::giveUpOrRetry:220 - void Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::giveUpOrRetry(const QString&) "could not find package harbour-flashlight" 
Jan 06 19:10:07 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::giveUpOrRetry:235 - refresh and retry 
Jan 06 19:10:07 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::refresh:62 - void Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::refresh() 
Jan 06 19:10:07 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::refresh:73 - refreshing store repository 
Jan 06 19:10:08 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Store::Server::slotPostResponse:1024 - Store::Server::slotPostResponse: QVariant(int, 201) "Application already exists." 
Jan 06 19:10:08 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Store::Server::slotLikesListFinished:902 - Store::Server::slotLikesListFinished 
Jan 06 19:10:08 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Store::Server::slotLikesListFinished:903 - error code: 0 
Jan 06 19:10:08 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Liker::slotLikesReceived:98 - Liker::slotLikesReceived: "eb8c3190-f324-40c7-b5b0-39fcfe6ac257" 89 false 
Jan 06 19:10:08 localhost packagekitd[24762]: Refreshing single repository (id=store, url=plugin:ssu?repo=store, force=false)
Jan 06 19:10:08 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] StoreImageProvider::load:46 - retrieved 660387 bytes of image data for "image://store/eb8c3190f32440c7b5b039fcfe6ac257/eebab327eebbd3954facfbe766001a54.png" 
Jan 06 19:10:08 localhost ssu[25251]: ssu: Device not registered -- skipping credential update
Jan 06 19:10:08 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] StoreImageProvider::requestImage:33 - serving image "image://store/eb8c3190f32440c7b5b039fcfe6ac257/eebab327eebbd3954facfbe766001a54.png" with size QSize(540, 960) 
Jan 06 19:10:08 localhost ssu[25251]: ssu: Requesting credentials for 'store' with RND status 0...
Jan 06 19:10:08 localhost ssu[25251]: ssu: store resolved to https://store-repository.jolla.com/SbJ/armv7hl/?credentials=store
Jan 06 19:10:09 localhost ssu[25254]: ssu: Device not registered -- skipping credential update
Jan 06 19:10:09 localhost ssu[25254]: ssu: Requesting credentials for 'store' with RND status 0...
Jan 06 19:10:09 localhost ssu[25254]: ssu: store resolved to https://store-repository.jolla.com/SbJ/armv7hl/?credentials=store
Jan 06 19:10:11 localhost ssu[25256]: ssu: Device not registered -- skipping credential update
Jan 06 19:10:11 localhost ssu[25256]: ssu: Requesting credentials for 'store' with RND status 0...
Jan 06 19:10:11 localhost ssu[25256]: ssu: store resolved to https://store-repository.jolla.com/SbJ/armv7hl/?credentials=store
Jan 06 19:10:13 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::slotTransactionFinished:288 - void Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::slotTransactionFinished(PackageKit::Transaction::Exit, uint) 1 5070 
Jan 06 19:10:13 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::resolveInstalled:99 - void Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::resolveInstalled(const QString&) "harbour-flashlight" 
Jan 06 19:10:13 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::slotTransactionFinished:288 - void Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::slotTransactionFinished(PackageKit::Transaction::Exit, uint) 1 178 
Jan 06 19:10:13 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::resolve:118 - void Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::resolve(const QString&) "harbour-flashlight" 
Jan 06 19:10:13 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::slotTransactionFinished:288 - void Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::slotTransactionFinished(PackageKit::Transaction::Exit, uint) 1 9 
Jan 06 19:10:13 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::giveUpOrRetry:220 - void Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::giveUpOrRetry(const QString&) "could not find package harbour-flashlight" 
Jan 06 19:10:13 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::giveUpOrRetry:235 - refresh and retry 
Jan 06 19:10:13 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::refresh:62 - void Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::refresh() 
Jan 06 19:10:13 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::refresh:78 - force-refreshing store repository 
Jan 06 19:10:13 localhost packagekitd[24762]: Refreshing single repository (id=store, url=plugin:ssu?repo=store, force=true)
Jan 06 19:10:13 localhost ssu[25305]: ssu: Device not registered -- skipping credential update
Jan 06 19:10:13 localhost ssu[25305]: ssu: Requesting credentials for 'store' with RND status 0...
Jan 06 19:10:13 localhost ssu[25305]: ssu: store resolved to https://store-repository.jolla.com/SbJ/armv7hl/?credentials=store
Jan 06 19:10:14 localhost ssu[25307]: ssu: Device not registered -- skipping credential update
Jan 06 19:10:14 localhost ssu[25307]: ssu: Requesting credentials for 'store' with RND status 0...
Jan 06 19:10:14 localhost ssu[25307]: ssu: store resolved to https://store-repository.jolla.com/SbJ/armv7hl/?credentials=store
Jan 06 19:10:15 localhost ssu[25311]: ssu: Device not registered -- skipping credential update
Jan 06 19:10:15 localhost ssu[25311]: ssu: Requesting credentials for 'store' with RND status 0...
Jan 06 19:10:15 localhost ssu[25311]: ssu: store resolved to https://store-repository.jolla.com/SbJ/armv7hl/?credentials=store
Jan 06 19:10:17 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::slotTransactionFinished:288 - void Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::slotTransactionFinished(PackageKit::Transaction::Exit, uint) 1 3937 
Jan 06 19:10:17 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::resolveInstalled:99 - void Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::resolveInstalled(const QString&) "harbour-flashlight" 
Jan 06 19:10:17 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::slotTransactionFinished:288 - void Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::slotTransactionFinished(PackageKit::Transaction::Exit, uint) 1 210 
Jan 06 19:10:17 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::resolve:118 - void Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::resolve(const QString&) "harbour-flashlight" 
Jan 06 19:10:17 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::slotTransactionFinished:288 - void Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::slotTransactionFinished(PackageKit::Transaction::Exit, uint) 1 10 
Jan 06 19:10:17 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::giveUpOrRetry:220 - void Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::giveUpOrRetry(const QString&) "could not find package harbour-flashlight" 
Jan 06 19:10:17 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::giveUpOrRetry:235 - refresh and retry 
Jan 06 19:10:17 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::refresh:62 - void Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::refresh() 
Jan 06 19:10:17 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] Package::InstallTransactionPkgKit::refresh:84 - refreshing all repositories 
Jan 06 19:10:18 localhost store-client[24715]: [D] StoreImageProvider::requestImage:33 - serving image "image://store/29204dc5b82f45fd8512d7ed20780f8c/755dcc3ef1088516b778082cf51c2549.png" with size QSize(180, 90) 
Jan 06 19:10:18 localhost ssu[25373]: ssu: Device not registered -- skipping credential update
Jan 06 19:10:18 localhost ssu[25373]: ssu: Found first adaptation adaptation0
Jan 06 19:10:18 localhost ssu[25373]: ssu: Requesting credentials for 'adaptation0' with RND status 0...
Jan 06 19:10:18 localhost ssu[25373]: ssu: adaptation0 resolved to https://store-repository.jolla.com/releases/
Jan 06 19:10:19 localhost ssu[25375]: ssu: Device not registered -- skipping credential update
Jan 06 19:10:19 localhost ssu[25375]: ssu: Found first adaptation adaptation0
Jan 06 19:10:19 localhost ssu[25375]: ssu: Requesting credentials for 'adaptation0' with RND status 0...
Jan 06 19:10:19 localhost ssu[25375]: ssu: adaptation0 resolved to https://store-repository.jolla.com/releases/
Jan 06 19:10:20 localhost ssu[25378]: ssu: Device not registered -- skipping credential update
Jan 06 19:10:20 localhost ssu[25378]: ssu: Found first adaptation adaptation0
Jan 06 19:10:20 localhost ssu[25378]: ssu: Requesting credentials for 'adaptation0' with RND status 0...
Jan 06 19:10:20 localhost ssu[25378]: ssu: adaptation0 resolved to https://store-repository.jolla.com/releases/
Jan 06 19:10:21 localhost ssu[25424]: ssu: Device not registered -- skipping credential update
Jan 06 19:10:21 localhost ssu[25424]: ssu: Found first adaptation adaptation1
Jan 06 19:10:21 localhost ssu[25424]: ssu: Requesting credentials for 'adaptation1' with RND status 0...
Jan 06 19:10:21 localhost ssu[25424]: ssu: adaptation1 resolved to https://store-repository.jolla.com/releases/
Jan 06 19:10:22 localhost ssu[25428]: ssu: Device not registered -- skipping credential update
Jan 06 19:10:22 localhost ssu[25428]: ssu: Found first adaptation adaptation1
Jan 06 19:10:22 localhost ssu[25428]: ssu: Requesting credentials for 'adaptation1' with RND status 0...
Jan 06 19:10:22 localhost ssu[25428]: ssu: adaptation1 resolved to https://store-repository.jolla.com/releases/
Jan 06 19:10:23 localhost ssu[25430]: ssu: Device not registered -- skipping credential update
Jan 06 19:10:23 localhost ssu[25430]: ssu: Found first adaptation adaptation1
Jan 06 19:10:23 localhost ssu[25430]: ssu: Requesting credentials for 'adaptation1' with RND status 0...
Jan 06 19:10:23 localhost ssu[25430]: ssu: adaptation1 resolved to https://store-repository.jolla.com/releases/
Jan 06 19:10:25 localhost ssu[25476]: ssu: Device not registered -- skipping credential update
Jan 06 19:10:25 localhost ssu[25476]: ssu: Requesting credentials for 'aliendalvik' with RND status 0...
Jan 06 19:10:25 localhost ssu[25476]: ssu: aliendalvik resolved to https://store-repository.jolla.com/releases/
Jan 06 19:10:25 localhost ssu[25478]: ssu: Device not registered -- skipping credential update
Jan 06 19:10:25 localhost ssu[25478]: ssu: Requesting credentials for 'aliendalvik' with RND status 0...
Jan 06 19:10:25 localhost ssu[25478]: ssu: aliendalvik resolved to https://store-repository.jolla.com/releases/
Jan 06 19:10:26 localhost ssu[25480]: ssu: Device not registered -- skipping credential update
Jan 06 19:10:26 localhost ssu[25480]: ssu: Requesting credentials for 'aliendalvik' with RND status 0...
Jan 06 19:10:26 localhost ssu[25480]: ssu: aliendalvik resolved to https://store-repository.jolla.com/releases/
Jan 06 19:10:28 localhost ssu[25526]: ssu: Device not registered -- skipping credential update
Jan 06 19:10:28 localhost ssu[25526]: ssu: Skipping credential for apps with scope jolla
Jan 06 19:10:28 localhost ssu[25526]: ssu: apps resolved to https://releases.jolla.com/jolla-apps/
Jan 06 19:10:28 localhost ssu[25528]: ssu: Device not registered -- skipping credential update
Jan 06 19:10:28 localhost ssu[25528]: ssu: Skipping credential for apps with scope jolla
Jan 06 19:10:28 localhost ssu[25528]: ssu: apps resolved to https://releases.jolla.com/jolla-apps/
Jan 06 19:10:29 localhost ssu[25530]: ssu: Device not registered -- skipping credential update
Jan 06 19:10:29 localhost ssu[25530]: ssu: Skipping credential for apps with scope jolla
Jan 06 19:10:29 localhost ssu[25530]: ssu: apps resolved to https://releases.jolla.com/jolla-apps/
Jan 06 19:10:30 localhost ssu[25580]: ssu: Device not registered -- skipping credential update
Jan 06 19:10:30 localhost ssu[25580]: ssu: Requesting credentials for 'eas' with RND status 0...
Jan 06 19:10:30 localhost ssu[25580]: ssu: eas resolved to https://store-repository.jolla.com/features/
Jan 06 19:10:31 localhost ssu[25582]: ssu: Device not registered -- skipping credential update
Jan 06 19:10:31 localhost ssu[25582]: ssu: Requesting credentials for 'eas' with RND status 0...
Jan 06 19:10:31 localhost ssu[25582]: ssu: eas resolved to https://store-repository.jolla.com/features/
Jan 06 19:10:32 localhost ssu[25584]: ssu: Device not registered -- skipping credential update
Jan 06 19:10:32 localhost ssu[25584]: ssu: Requesting credentials for 'eas' with RND status 0...
Jan 06 19:10:32 localhost ssu[25584]: ssu: eas resolved to https://store-repository.jolla.com/features/
Jan 06 19:10:34 localhost ssu[25630]: ssu: Device not registered -- skipping credential update
Jan 06 19:10:34 localhost ssu[25630]: ssu: Skipping credential for hotfixes with scope jolla
Jan 06 19:10:34 localhost ssu[25630]: ssu: hotfixes resolved to https://releases.jolla.com/releases/
Jan 06 19:10:34 localhost ssu[25632]: ssu: Device not registered -- skipping credential update
Jan 06 19:10:34 localhost ssu[25632]: ssu: Skipping credential for hotfixes with scope jolla
Jan 06 19:10:34 localhost ssu[25632]: ssu: hotfixes resolved to https://releases.jolla.com/releases/
Jan 06 19:10:35 localhost ssu[25634]: ssu: Device not registered -- skipping credential update
Jan 06 19:10:35 localhost ssu[25634]: ssu: Skipping credential for hotfixes with scope jolla
Jan 06 19:10:35 localhost ssu[25634]: ssu: hotfixes resolved to https://releases.jolla.com/releases/
Jan 06 19:10:36 localhost ssu[25680]: ssu: Device not registered -- skipping credential update
Jan 06 19:10:36 localhost ssu[25680]: ssu: Skipping credential for jolla with scope jolla
Jan 06 19:10:36 localhost ssu[25680]: ssu: jolla resolved to https://releases.jolla.com/releases/
Jan 06 19:10:37 localhost ssu[25682]: ssu: Device not registered -- skipping credential update
Jan 06 19:10:37 localhost ssu[25682]: ssu: Skipping credential for jolla with scope jolla
Jan 06 19:10:37 localhost ssu[25682]: ssu: jolla resolved to https://releases.jolla.com/releases/
Jan 06 19:10:38 localhost statefs[875]: Display: "dimmed" 
Jan 06 19:10:38 localhost ssu[25687]: ssu: Device not registered -- skipping credential update
Jan 06 19:10:38 localhost ssu[25687]: ssu: Skipping credential for jolla with scope jolla
Jan 06 19:10:38 localhost ssu[25687]: ssu: jolla resolved to https://releases.jolla.com/releases/
Jan 06 19:10:41 localhost ssu[25737]: ssu: Device not registered -- skipping credential update
Jan 06 19:10:41 localhost ssu[25737]: ssu: Requesting credentials for 'store' with RND status 0...
Jan 06 19:10:41 localhost ssu[25737]: ssu: store resolved to https://store-repository.jolla.com/SbJ/armv7hl/?credentials=store
Jan 06 19:10:42 localhost ssu[25739]: ssu: Device not registered -- skipping credential update
Jan 06 19:10:42 localhost ssu[25739]: ssu: Requesting credentials for 'store' with RND status 0...
Jan 06 19:10:42 localhost ssu[25739]: ssu: store resolved to https://store-repository.jolla.com/SbJ/armv7hl/?credentials=store
Jan 06 19:10:43 localhost dbus-daemon[941]: (process:1019): tp-glib-CRITICAL **: tp_cli_connection_interface_power_saving_call_set_power_saving: assertion `TP_IS_CONNECTION (proxy)' failed
Jan 06 19:10:43 localhost dbus-daemon[941]: (process:1019): tp-glib-CRITICAL **: tp_cli_connection_interface_power_saving_call_set_power_saving: assertion `TP_IS_CONNECTION (proxy)' failed
Jan 06 19:10:43 localhost dbus-daemon[941]: (process:1019): tp-glib-CRITICAL **: tp_cli_connection_interface_power_saving_call_set_power_saving: assertion `TP_IS_CONNECTION (proxy)' failed
Jan 06 19:10:43 localhost dbus-daemon[941]: (process:1019): tp-glib-CRITICAL **: tp_cli_connection_interface_power_saving_call_set_power_saving: assertion `TP_IS_CONNECTION (proxy)' failed
Jan 06 19:10:43 localhost mission-control-5[1019]: GLIB CRITICAL ** tp-glib - tp_cli_connection_interface_power_saving_call_set_power_saving: assertion `TP_IS_CONNECTION (proxy)' failed
Jan 06 19:10:43 localhost mission-control-5[1019]: GLIB CRITICAL ** tp-glib - tp_cli_connection_interface_power_saving_call_set_power_saving: assertion `TP_IS_CONNECTION (proxy)' failed
Jan 06 19:10:43 localhost mission-control-5[1019]: GLIB CRITICAL ** tp-glib - tp_cli_connection_interface_power_saving_call_set_power_saving: assertion `TP_IS_CONNECTION (proxy)' failed
Jan 06 19:10:43 localhost mission-control-5[1019]: GLIB CRITICAL ** tp-glib - tp_cli_connection_interface_power_saving_call_set_power_saving: assertion `TP_IS_CONNECTION (proxy)' failed
Jan 06 19:10:43 localhost mission-control-5[1019]: GLIB CRITICAL ** tp-glib - tp_cli_connection_interface_power_saving_call_set_power_saving: assertion `TP_IS_CONNECTION (proxy)' failed
Jan 06 19:10:43 localhost mission-control-5[1019]: GLIB CRITICAL ** tp-glib - tp_cli_connection_interface_power_saving_call_set_power_saving: assertion `TP_IS_CONNECTION (proxy)' failed
Jan 06 19:10:43 localhost mission-control-5[1019]: GLIB CRITICAL ** tp-glib - tp_cli_connection_interface_power_saving_call_set_power_saving: assertion `TP_IS_CONNECTION (proxy)' failed
Jan 06 19:10:43 localhost mission-control-5[1019]: GLIB CRITICAL ** tp-glib - tp_cli_connection_interface_power_saving_call_set_power_saving: assertion `TP_IS_CONNECTION (proxy)' failed
Jan 06 19:10:43 localhost mission-control-5[1019]: GLIB CRITICAL ** tp-glib - tp_cli_connection_interface_power_saving_call_set_power_saving: assertion `TP_IS_CONNECTION (proxy)' failed
Jan 06 19:10:43 localhost mission-control-5[1019]: GLIB CRITICAL ** tp-glib - tp_cli_connection_interface_power_saving_call_set_power_saving: assertion `TP_IS_CONNECTION (proxy)' failed
Jan 06 19:10:43 localhost mission-control-5[1019]: GLIB CRITICAL ** tp-glib - tp_cli_connection_interface_power_saving_call_set_power_saving: assertion `TP_IS_CONNECTION (proxy)' failed
Jan 06 19:10:43 localhost mission-control-5[1019]: GLIB CRITICAL ** tp-glib - tp_cli_connection_interface_power_saving_call_set_power_saving: assertion `TP_IS_CONNECTION (proxy)' failed
Jan 06 19:10:43 localhost mission-control-5[1019]: GLIB CRITICAL ** tp-glib - tp_cli_connection_interface_power_saving_call_set_power_saving: assertion `TP_IS_CONNECTION (proxy)' failed
Jan 06 19:10:43 localhost mission-control-5[1019]: GLIB CRITICAL ** tp-glib - tp_cli_connection_interface_power_saving_call_set_power_saving: assertion `TP_IS_CONNECTION (proxy)' failed
Jan 06 19:10:43 localhost mission-control-5[1019]: GLIB CRITICAL ** tp-glib - tp_cli_connection_interface_power_saving_call_set_power_saving: assertion `TP_IS_CONNECTION (proxy)' failed
Jan 06 19:10:43 localhost mission-control-5[1019]: GLIB CRITICAL ** tp-glib - tp_cli_connection_interface_power_saving_call_set_power_saving: assertion `TP_IS_CONNECTION (proxy)' failed
Jan 06 19:10:43 localhost mission-control-5[1019]: GLIB CRITICAL ** tp-glib - tp_cli_connection_interface_power_saving_call_set_power_saving: assertion `TP_IS_CONNECTION (proxy)' failed
Jan 06 19:10:43 localhost mission-control-5[1019]: GLIB CRITICAL ** tp-glib - tp_cli_connection_interface_power_saving_call_set_power_saving: assertion `TP_IS_CONNECTION (proxy)' failed
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The question has been closed for the following reason "the question is answered, an answer was accepted" by hwesselmann
close date 2014-01-09 14:43:32.541175



Do you have developer mode enabled? check if the ssu domain is set to sales The first firmware screwed this up after developer mode enabled, and after that the jollashop didn't work for me.

CsTom ( 2013-12-26 15:33:10 +0300 )edit

not enabling the developer mode changed that, but tapping on the "Allow developer updates", "Access to developer repositories requires special access rights from Jolla" changed the ssu domain.

Kontio ( 2013-12-26 15:55:19 +0300 )edit

Yes, domain is set to sales, release is current. How can I install a package from the terminal?

hwesselmann ( 2013-12-26 16:02:24 +0300 )edit

2 commands that might help you:

pkcon search name <search-string>
pkcon install <package-name>

the last one provides some help to the utility.

Kontio ( 2013-12-26 17:01:26 +0300 )edit

Thanks! A search does not return any results from harbour - just system packages - no matter what search option I use. I have all repos including store active, though. :-(

hwesselmann ( 2013-12-27 14:27:19 +0300 )edit

3 Answers

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answered 2014-01-08 23:13:52 +0300

hwesselmann gravatar image

I have changed my Jolla account to use my username I have chosen later on (when registering with together.jolla.com, I think). Before, it was set to be my email-address. Now, I can install any app from the store!

Thank you for all of your assistance!

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answered 2013-12-26 14:29:13 +0300

petros gravatar image

it should be more likely a server error

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Unfortunately not. I can uninstall and reinstall the applications I have posted, but no other ones, e.g. Maps or Simple Weather. It will load for a while and then throw the message "Error with Store". I am trying for three straight days now :-(

hwesselmann ( 2013-12-26 14:41:40 +0300 )edit

I had an issue with installing the simple weather earlier today that's why I said so. I managed to install it just before.

petros ( 2013-12-26 14:44:30 +0300 )edit

Hmm, just tried Wikipedia, Tidings and Helloworld Pro. Could not install. I'm on WLAN. I give another try with mobile data.

hwesselmann ( 2013-12-26 15:09:06 +0300 )edit

Installing using mobile data is also not working, so there should be no issue with my network :-(

hwesselmann ( 2013-12-26 15:25:30 +0300 )edit

answered 2013-12-26 15:29:59 +0300

Tanghus gravatar image

I haven't experienced it myself, but apparently this can happen when enabling developer mode.

From a mailing list post:

ssu domain sales
ssu release $release
ssu ur
pkcon refresh

with $release beeing the latest release (currently, and 'ssu ur' optional (should not be required if everything works)

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Unfortunately, this also did not help. Refreshed the package list, tried installation - no luck. Rebooted, refreshed again, tried installation - still nothing...

hwesselmann ( 2013-12-26 15:50:31 +0300 )edit

If you have developer mode enabled, please run "devel-su journalctl -fa" while installing from the store. This might give us a clue what's going wrong in your particular case.

pycage ( 2014-01-06 15:03:55 +0300 )edit

I tried this! First, the address is resolved properly. Next, it states something about the device being not registered. Last, it compains about a method getProperties with a signature which is not defined.

Once I am able to connect from my own computer, I can paste some of the output here...

hwesselmann ( 2014-01-06 15:24:35 +0300 )edit

Yes, please paste the output. AFAIK the device not being registered is a normal logging message from ssu. Retail devices are not registered by ssu.

pycage ( 2014-01-06 15:53:07 +0300 )edit

I have edited the main post to show the log output - hope I haven't outputted any critical details of my Jolla account :-)

hwesselmann ( 2014-01-06 20:23:28 +0300 )edit

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Asked: 2013-12-26 14:23:00 +0300

Seen: 1,042 times

Last updated: Jan 08 '14