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Banking in Finland with Xperia X

asked 2019-08-20 00:05:57 +0200

Janssoni gravatar image

updated 2019-08-21 13:19:45 +0200

jiit gravatar image

My current bank Danske is getting rid of "keycards" and its current Android app. So practically the only way for me to use internet bank in future is to have a computer and a little device that you can log in with. The web portal isn't optimized for any mobile usage and the new Android app works only on Android 5.0 and newer.

So that's why I'm asking which banks in Finland have possibility to do some banking with Xperia X(Sailfish ofc)? If you have any experiences or suggestions, sharing them would be appreciated.

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This could be a dealbreaker for me as well.

My bank here in Austria will stop allowing TAN-SMS soon and the app won't work on Xperia X.

michfu ( 2019-08-20 12:42:13 +0200 )edit

Actually, Danske Bank offers to customers without smartphone (i.e. those without an Android or iOS device <rolleyes>) a 'pin calculator', that they can send home free of charge.</rolleyes>

I went that route as I don't want my bank operations to depend on owning a 'kosher' Android.

Update: name of the authenticating device is eSafeID.

simosagi ( 2019-08-20 14:32:11 +0200 )edit

Xperiax even with Gapss installed no way to use Nordea not mobile bank or tunnisluvut.

Now running Xa2 dual sim with microG ( swapped yesterday the "main driver" from x to xa2) . All Nodea is ok. the bank app and tunnusluvut.

ps. take couple of days to build up all step by step .... basically simple.but so.many possibilities to miss things. and have to redo.

jpjolla ( 2019-08-20 17:06:43 +0200 )edit

Not a real answer nor a comment, but all European banks are getting crazy. They all believe that strong authentication works only with an app like a 2FA. The EU doesn't say it anywhere, nor forbids SMS as a strong verification system. I had arguments on the subject, and still nobody was able to give me reasonable answer.

magullo ( 2019-08-20 22:28:22 +0200 )edit

@magullo Hint: SMSs cost them money.

Federico ( 2019-08-22 00:02:24 +0200 )edit

3 Answers

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answered 2019-08-20 17:29:24 +0200

LinuxByChoice gravatar image

updated 2019-08-20 17:31:33 +0200

At least Nordea and Ålandsbanken Finnish doesn't work in Xperia X. Funny but Ålandsbanken Swedish works (or worked about couple moths ago), but is ofcourse aimed for Sweden. Ålandsbanken Finnish you only get a blank white screen, becuse the first thing in the finnish version you need to choose language while the swedish version dont have that choice.

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answered 2019-08-21 06:36:25 +0200

zagrimsan gravatar image

The ID app (S-Mobiili) of S-Pankki works ok on Xperia X, but even though the web bank site works also ok with Sailfish Browser, the navigation in it is not really meant for use with a touch screen of any size (it has sub-menus that activate on hover). Doing basic stuff, like checking balances and account activity, submitting payments, even some of the saving and investment functions work nevertheless, I think. I've not really used it on the phone except for a few occasions, since the user experience on small screen is rather bad, the site does not adapt at all to a small screen.

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answered 2019-08-20 12:05:28 +0200

enwine gravatar image

Danskebank's mobile banking app and the identification app (Danske ID) both work fine at least on my XA2 dual sim (SFOS Supposedly the mobile banking app uses Google Play Services, but it did not give any trouble even though I don't have it (or MicroG) installed.

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The question is about Xperia X, but as the matter will hit us all, I report on XA2 Dual Sim that the newest version of OmaSaastopankki's OmaMobiili refuses to start on my "rooted" device. I use older version 2.2.5 that merely hilariously warns you of "hati-hati root" upon starting but works fine.

OmaVahvistus identification app on the other hand seems to work on XA2 even with the current version.

teemu ( 2019-08-20 12:39:30 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2019-08-20 00:05:57 +0200

Seen: 863 times

Last updated: Aug 21 '19