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app not installed

asked 2019-09-08 17:09:49 +0200

kawak__ gravatar image

updated 2019-09-08 20:42:46 +0200


I always installed instagram and updated normally. But, one day, I had a bug so i just uninstalled the app to install it again. But this is the message I have now, for any version of the apk from every source...

image description

How can I install this app please ?

Thank you in advance. I'm thinking about reseting my phone...

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happened to me previously when my phone was low in space

babo ( 2019-09-08 17:33:06 +0200 )edit

I removed a lot of things to get 9.3GB available, but I still have te same error...

kawak__ ( 2019-09-08 18:13:28 +0200 )edit

Please add tags to reflect your device type and OS version.

Spam Hunter ( 2019-09-08 19:13:13 +0200 )edit

Thank you, it's done.

kawak__ ( 2019-09-08 20:43:12 +0200 )edit

I think you should have enough space in 'system data' not 'user data'

babo ( 2019-09-09 08:11:37 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2019-09-10 12:55:09 +0200

mips_tux gravatar image

updated 2019-09-10 13:00:16 +0200

You should tell us which device you are running instagram on ! - the Jolla 1 with an alien-dalvik android 4.1 - the jolla C (or the intex ace Jolla (C) with an alien-dalvik android 4.4 - a Xperia X with an alien-dalvik android 4.4 - an Xperia XA2 with an android 8.1 equivalent (running in a lxc container).

The image you provide makes me think you're on a Jolla1, C or Xperia X. But I can be wrong.

To begin, I don't use any facebook products (instagram is one of them). So, my answer is with a lot of reserves.

  • Instagram updates its software on a regular basis. So I would first make sure that the software is uninstalled perfectly

  • and then I would try via aptoide to try to install an old version. It may well be that the latest version of Instagram software is no longer compatible with android 4.1 or 4.4 versions.

ps : i try to write this answer in french on https://jollafr.org/forums/topic/app-not-installed/ But i have an error when i send my post :-( Jollafr seems to have some troubles for now :-(

ps2 : oups : i don't see your tag : you are with an Xperia X (android 4.4), So my answer does not change ;-)

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Asked: 2019-09-08 17:09:49 +0200

Seen: 361 times

Last updated: Sep 10 '19