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Installation on USB3 computer

asked 2019-09-15 02:29:00 +0200

charles gravatar image

updated 2019-09-16 09:22:57 +0200

Sailfish is a wonderful operating system, but the installer is really sh*tty. It does not work on the modern computers at all. I tried Ubuntu 19.04, 18.04.3, 16.04.6, 14.04.6, Debian 10.1, 9.11 and 8.11, but the installer can not handle USB3 connection. In the documentation there is a short mention about possible issues on Ubuntu 18.04, but in reality the installer is useless on modern computers. Year ago I had USB 2.0 hub, now I do not. How am I suppose to find ancient USB 2.0 port? The "solution" to force USB 2.0 mode does not work either. Any ideas? Any workaround?

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Worked for me. :)

I was prepared to deal with that, too (digged out of my cellar an old USB hub). But I did not need it at all, on an ASUS laptop with UBU18! I thought also to remember Jolla mentioned to have this solved? Seems not (which is a pity and PITA). So only chance for you seems to grab any old USB hub from a friend/office/ebay... (or what about trying a VM without USB3 support?)

peterleinchen ( 2019-09-15 10:39:39 +0200 )edit

I was prepared year ago, but how on earth is the problem still not solved? At least for USB 3.1 controllers and ports, the command to force USB 2.0 mode does not work correctly.

I tried VM with USB 1.1, but was not able to even connect the phone to the VM. This is ridiculous: Sony was so cheap they put USB 2.0 controller in Xperia XA2 and caused the whole problem, Fastboot developers are so incompetent they did not realise USB3 or Jolla is so lazy!

We need to be able to flash Sailfish OS on modern computers. Sailfish is not cheap alternative for poor people with old computers, especially with €50 price tag, so flashing script must work on modern computers!

charles ( 2019-09-15 11:40:59 +0200 )edit

sign it, had also problems with flashing xa2 but changed the usb port. but tbh i have no idea if the other port that did not work is a usb3 but after changing it worked fluently. but in the end the flashing should work on any usb port especially newer ones.

NuklearFart ( 2019-09-15 19:27:09 +0200 )edit

Try Manjaro Linux. I tried various Ubuntus and Debians, and threw them away eventually. Haven't looked back since. Application SDK works fine, too!

Direc ( 2019-09-17 19:17:38 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2019-09-16 14:29:58 +0200

peakki gravatar image

make sure that the USB3 doesn't have charging support. My HP Elitebook has one USB3 port with charging support. When using this port, I couldn't start flashing process. Changed to normal USB3 (Win10), everything worked fine.

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Some laptops have only one USB port (e.g. the Surface), so I have doubts that this workaround will be a universal solution.

Federico ( 2019-09-16 15:28:24 +0200 )edit

If one can get into the bios you can usually turn off charging support.

marxistvegan ( 2019-09-16 17:44:57 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2019-09-15 02:29:00 +0200

Seen: 417 times

Last updated: Sep 16 '19