Cannot connect to Pootle server error 504 [answered]
Since yesterday i cannot login to the translation Pootle server
504 Gateway Time-out
Anyone else has the same problem ?
We have moved to a new Sailfish OS Forum. Please start new discussions there.
Since yesterday i cannot login to the translation Pootle server
504 Gateway Time-out
Anyone else has the same problem ?
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Asked: 2019-09-15 08:40:05 +0200
Seen: 162 times
Last updated: Sep 15 '19
Pootle API support for Sailfish OS Localization
More languages available (Dutch) [released]
translation to Serbian language
[Implemented in] Wrong translation (pl) of text when someone is calling [not relevant]
[Implemented in] Wrong translation (es) contact app [answered]
IMAP message deletion options [answered]
Add A Mobile Web Server & CMS to SailfishOS [not relevant]
german translation: jolla-mediaplayer should be renamed to "Musik"
[Implemented in] Translation store German [released]
[Implemented in 1406 update] Add QtLinguist support to SailfishOS SDK [released]
Yes, trying to login gives a 504 here too.
ljo ( 2019-09-15 09:56:50 +0200 )editSorry for the inconvenience. While our IT team is working on this, I have temporarily enabled ability to make suggestions for logged-out users.
Users that are logged in since yesterday or earlier should still have the cookie working, please do not press log out :)
sledges ( 2019-09-15 10:21:30 +0200 )edit