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HighlightImage doesn't support "image://theme/" [not relevant]

asked 2019-09-18 09:01:31 +0200

this post is marked as community wiki

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.

updated 2019-09-18 09:01:31 +0200

Tanghus gravatar image

When trying to set source on a HighlightImage with a path like image://theme/icon-m-transfer it builds a path like /user/share/harbour-<appname>/icon-m-transfer, which of course doesn't work.

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The question has been closed for the following reason "question is not relevant or outdated" by Tanghus
close date 2019-09-18 13:34:57.622251



Paste a snippet of your code here, seems like you're using it incorrectly, but I'm not sure.

Spam Hunter ( 2019-09-18 13:03:49 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2019-09-18 13:29:08 +0200

this post is marked as community wiki

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.

updated 2019-09-18 13:29:08 +0200

Tanghus gravatar image

I was indeed using it incorrectly. Originally I had done something like:

        HighlightImage {
            source: "image://theme/" + !Env.isOnline
                    ? "icon-m-wlan-no-signal"
                    : "icon-m-wlan"
            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter

Which gave [W] unknown:343 - file:///usr/share/harbour-currencyconverter/qml/pages/FrontPage.qml:343:13: QML HighlightImageBase: Cannot open: file:///usr/share/harbour-currencyconverter/qml/pages/icon-m-wlan-no-signal

Doing this it works:

        HighlightImage {
            source: !Env.isOnline || workOffline
                    ? "image://theme/icon-m-wlan-no-signal"
                    : "image://theme/icon-m-wlan"
            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
            width: 64
            height: 64
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I'll add yet another annoying thing about the documentation: What announces itself as "This is the complete list of members for HighlightImage, including inherited members" doesn't show anything from Image.

Tanghus ( 2019-09-18 13:33:43 +0200 )edit

Documentation on the whole, is pretty poor, especially for those new to coding. Even some of the examples given, don't work or are out of date, a pretty poor show really.

When I'm not sure about usage or syntax, I use grep to search my phone for that particular module. Usually there are a few examples to be found buried apps already.

Spam Hunter ( 2019-09-18 14:07:38 +0200 )edit

I've been wanting to sum it up in a better way, than "it sucks" ;)

Tanghus ( 2019-09-18 14:11:53 +0200 )edit

you using ternary operator wrong.

your example is same with

    source: ("image://theme/" + !Env.isOnline)
            ? "icon-m-wlan-no-signal"
            : "icon-m-wlan"

but you actually want

    source: "image://theme/" + (!Env.isOnline
                    ? "icon-m-wlan-no-signal"
                    : "icon-m-wlan")
coderus ( 2019-09-18 16:11:20 +0200 )edit

ah, I so didn't see that. Thanks.

Tanghus ( 2019-09-20 00:00:51 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2019-09-18 09:01:31 +0200

Seen: 173 times

Last updated: Sep 18 '19