2019-09-23 12:29:22 +0200
What I suspect you are describing is: When charger is connected and battery is full, both PatternBatteryCharging and PatternBatteryFull are active. The "full" pattern ends up being used because it has higher priority than the "charging" one. Now, if the "full" pattern is disabled (via mcetool / config file tweaks), it just means the "charging" pattern ends up being used also in battery full situations i.e. the led still stays on despite disabling the full pattern.
You could either disable both charging and full patterns (no root privileges needed, but also charging indication is lost)
mcetool --disable-led-pattern=PatternBatteryCharging --disable-led-pattern=PatternBatteryFull
(to undo)
mcetool --enable-led-pattern=PatternBatteryCharging --enable-led-pattern=PatternBatteryFull
Or override battery full pattern config so that activating it actually turns the led off
printf '[LEDPatternHybris]\nPatternBatteryFull=40;4;0;0;0;000000\n' > /etc/mce/90-no-battery-full-led.ini
systemctl restart mce
(to undo)
rm /etc/mce/90-no-battery-full-led.ini
systemctl restart mce
Spam Hunter ( 2019-09-22 23:09:34 +0200 )edit