Encrypted SDCard - All key slots full
After automatic unlock & mount of encrypted SD card has not made it into again I wanted to do it by my own. Up to now I use the 'official' Sailfish way to encrypt the card. It's a pain that automatic unlock & mount is missing and we have to remember to enter password. Also tracker doesn't work for encrypted cards as it is started before the partition is mounted.
The first step would be to add a random key file as a key to luks. Any operations on the console fail as Sailfish claims the device was busy. So I shut down the phone and inserted the card into my PC (Ubuntu).
When I enter
sudo cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/mmcblk0p1 /root/random_data_keyfile1
Enter any existing passphrase:
All key slots full
Also luksDump
shows data for all slots. As I have only given one passphrase when the card was encrypted I'm pretty surprised the other 7 slots are in use. Do you have an idea why they're used or if I can delete one of the slots?