Favorite ambiences disappearing/fail when based on files on SD card or Android Storage
Sometimes favorite ambiences disappear and only those that came with TOHs stay to choose from favorites.
This seems to happen only to ambiences which are based on images stored on the SD card, while those based on camera photos and images on the phone storage remain intact.
EDIT: Ambiences with files used, stored on µSD fail to work in general.
Edit 2: @AA-0001 found out here that ambiences based on images stored at Android Storage also disappear when rebooting. The same workaround applies - move the images to phone memory.
Mine have obviously disappeared forever...saw them the first day, i played around with my Jolla, but after some reboots and SD-Card ins and outs ...maybe after the OS-Updates? they all were gone. Anyway ... in the meantime i created my own ones and those seem to exist stable :-)
hase5911 ( 2013-12-29 11:48:59 +0300 )editAlso own created ambiances disappear ... I have created 2 ambiances and could easily flip between both. Out of a sudden I only had 1 ambiance left to select while the active ambiance was still active but no longer showed up in the selection. When I selected to left over second ambiance it started, but the first ambiance got lost and I cannot restore it, I had to completely set it up again.
Manankanchu ( 2013-12-29 13:55:37 +0300 )editthe preinstalled ambiances seem to disappear if you deinstall the tutorial app
michel ( 2013-12-31 01:08:45 +0300 )editI think this question and mine (https://together.jolla.com/question/6895/bug-ambience-disappear-after-restart/) should be combined as they address the same issue. I'd suggest keeping this question as it was first.
PJW_2273 ( 2013-12-31 10:18:44 +0300 )editRegarding the original ambiances, after they appeared to disappear after the OS-update, I just went to gallery and selected them back as favorites. After this they were available in the "push-to-side-from-the-init-screen"-selection. The update (which removed tutorial) had made them "not favorite".
epa ( 2013-12-31 10:30:20 +0300 )edit