Can not delete contact details
I use sync with Bluetooth (experimental).
It seems that I can not delete details from a contact. I noticed somehow there were 5 or 6 copies of the Address field.
On the PC I can clean the redundant copies easily but after I sync still on the phone there are the 5-6 copies of the Address field.
I tried to delete them manually on the phone - works fine. I press Accept and open the Contact again. The 5-6 copies of the Address are still there.
I found few similar issues
@chrisadams referred as requested
Also accounts that I can not edit seem to not sync. So fast sync fails. Next sync is slow sync (all items downloaded and compared.
Changes applied during synchronization:
| Source | NEW | MOD | DEL | ERR | NEW | MOD | DEL | ERR | CTS |
| addressbook | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 131 |
| slow, 0 KB sent by client, 171 KB received |
| 128 client item(s) discarded |
| 3 server item(s) discarded |
| 0 item(s) duplicated |
| 267 item(s) matched |
I tried few things. To me it looks like that there is something on the phone preventing a Contact to be modified/deleted
Curious. Bluetooth sync isn't something which I remember much about, unfortunately. I wonder if the non-privileged database sync is involved here somehow? If you disable contactsd (via
systemctl --user stop contactsd
) and then try sync / modify etc, do you see different results? Basically, I'm wondering if the Bluetooth data is treated as "device-owned" data, which gets stored to the non-privileged database, and then when you delete the address fields via the People app, those details are being immediately re-synced from the non-privileged database due to a bug?I'm not certain, but that seems a useful avenue to investigate.
chris.adams ( 2019-11-08 03:09:39 +0200 )edit@chris.adams thank you once again. I did not know about the privileged database. I upgraded the development device yesterday and compiled all the stuff again on the new SDK. I tested on this device - it is the same. First I was thinking that my production device got the Contacts messed somehow, but it looks like that it is something in the way how those changes are handled on the phone.
I think it is interesting that on the N9 I never had such issue. What changed from N9 to Sailfish in this context? Is there a documentation or code, one could study?
Also (a bit out of topic) compiling all the stuff is a pain. For the BT Sync to work I need:
It is not a big deal, but for example my work on buteo-syncfw can be merged as it concerns only the BT interaction.
I've been using this for the last couple of months and it works great at the communication/synchronization level. The problems I face are now related to functionality at another level. I don't have that much time and I need someone to help me with gitlab as the sources are behind the master, but I don't know how to catch up :( - what is the best to do - open topic here on the dev mailing list?
thanks in advance
deloptes ( 2019-11-11 10:06:18 +0200 )edit