What is Presence? [answered]
This might be a simplistic question, but what is Presence on SailfishOS? I've tried to look this up and could only find references to fix it or set it up, but not basically what it is?
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This might be a simplistic question, but what is Presence on SailfishOS? I've tried to look this up and could only find references to fix it or set it up, but not basically what it is?
It require an acount that it's integration in Sailfish, if realy done perfectly, would allow you to chose if your presence on the service ( ex : Facebook,twitter,drop box,google , etc) will show online to the other users. That in the background without having the actual corresponding app to be open. Back in the days of Nokia on N9 the Facebook integration was like that and even the FB contacts would populate merged in the adress book if you would chose to show an online status. But FB service change constantly their API making it difficult to OS programers to maintain that level of "inbeded" integration. I dont know about the other acounts setup avail in Sailfish setting , if there is any that offer that funtionality. I remember that when the Open repos app was still compatible and usable on Sailfish it had a presence status support but the current Warhouse app does not.The ultimate ststus bar patch even allow to add the presence status icon that allow to see what status you would broadcasting without having to open the settings menu.It would be nice to have that working with any current scocial media service but on the other hand it add background process that may be perceive intrusive to some and part of the reason Android is so power consuming hungry.
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Asked: 2019-11-04 22:25:21 +0200
Seen: 565 times
Last updated: Nov 04 '19
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