[BUG]Jolla browser typed text input to wrong page
With Jolla Browser go to youtube.com and focus the youtube.com search field and type search term so that proposals are shown. Open a new tab (all of mine are private), go to together.jolla.com and focus the page's search field and start typing a search term. The typed text is input to the youtube.com search field! This can be consistently repeated. I think I may have seen this kind of misdirected input behaviour in earlier versions.
Torronsuo Xperia X.
UPDATE: If instead of together.jolla.com the password entry page of gmail.com is used the first character of the gmail password is written to the youtube.com page but the rest of the characters appear in the correct page.
I am not sure, but maybe this applies to the whole OS,like for me, in Telegram, Threema,Whatsapp, the text focus is not really working, and actually the keyboard is displayed above the text. This is really annoying, but happened already in earlier versions like you said
Firefox84 ( 2019-11-09 10:32:08 +0200 )editCan't reproduce this behaviour. Everything is typed in the correct field. Xperia X with
But maybe I did not get the point. What do you mean with "focus the search field."? I make a click and write in it?
dirksche ( 2019-11-09 23:19:03 +0200 )edit@dirksche Open a tab to youtube.com and type abc in the search field (do not press enter. It should show you a list of proposals (do not dismiss that list). Now open together.jolla.com tab and write def in the search field. Nothing appears. The written def appears in the youtube.com page.
alloj ( 2019-11-10 07:57:00 +0200 )editlike I said before, I can't reproduce this. If I follow your steps "def" is written in the together.jolla search field. Seems to be a spezial bug that maybe has to do with a loaded patch. By the way, when I open new tab the proposals disappear automatically. How do you manage that without dismissing the suggestions?
dirksche ( 2019-11-10 08:36:37 +0200 )editI can reproduce this repeatedly on my Jolla1 SFOS 3.2.012
Spam Hunter ( 2019-11-10 11:39:39 +0200 )edit