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Catastrophic 'upgrade'

asked 2019-11-16 14:11:33 +0200

objectifnul gravatar image

updated 2019-11-16 19:07:14 +0200

The regressions I experienced (as well as many other users) with Torronsuo are so countless I won't list them here. Nevertheless, I eventually 'upgraded' my Xperia X because the previous release ( Mouhijoki), although satisfying, was highly weakened by repeated incidents due to unsolicited "ssu" mistakes (ssu release status wrongly and automatically changed to 3.x). The device was constantly threatened of self-bricking.

It's probably too late now to consider returning to without serious damages. However, I'd like to ask Jolla:

  • Are you aware of the multiple problems with Torronsuo?
  • Are you considering (and able to) reverting to the best previous release? (probably Mouhijoki)
  • Are you considering assessing/improving your QA process to avoid deploying regressive releases in the future?

Sorry for this rant, but this is the first time I'm so disappointed by Jolla's lack of seriousness.

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You can try to start all over. Download the newest release from shop.jolla.com/downloads

Maybe alle these bugs are because you made such a huge upgrade at once.

Rudge79 ( 2019-11-16 14:33:05 +0200 )edit

I did so. Same fragility with (after factory reset). Same regressions with (after install)

objectifnul ( 2019-11-16 14:41:55 +0200 )edit

Your original issue, "repeated incidents due to unsolicited "ssu" mistakes (ssu release status wrongly and automatically changed to 3.x)." is documented and can be easily resolved by https://together.jolla.com/question/206725/bug-usrlibexecsailfish-osupdateservice-osupdate-check-sets-ssu-re/

olf ( 2019-11-16 15:35:42 +0200 )edit

Just to mention, here everything works well and, imho, they made huge progress going from 2.x to 3.x. Now I'm waiting for encryption. One single time an update broke my Jolla 1; had to make a factory reset and applied all the many updates until v3 and it worked again. Maybe the same will help you? Calling them amateurs is a bit bad style imo, rant or not.

chappi ( 2019-11-16 16:00:28 +0200 )edit

Okay, I agree. I removed "amateurism".

The way you upgraded is the same I used for my Jolla (not my Xperia), with different outcome unfortunately.

I'm experiencing the same regressions on both devices.

objectifnul ( 2019-11-16 16:11:01 +0200 )edit

6 Answers

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answered 2019-11-16 22:52:48 +0200

William gravatar image

I use no patches, and there are/were no regressions on my devices (Jolla C & XA2+). Many things are not perfect, but they haven't just been fixed/implemented yet. My two cents.

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Let's just take one example: what happens when you go to https://duckduckgo.com to search something?

objectifnul ( 2019-11-16 22:58:16 +0200 )edit

@objectifnul - Tried https://duckduckgo.com and the page comes up. ...but it isn't possible to type anything.

vattuvarg ( 2019-11-16 23:34:30 +0200 )edit

Ok. Is that acceptable? Wasn't it working fine with Isn't that a regression?

I have so many other examples...

objectifnul ( 2019-11-16 23:37:49 +0200 )edit

I'll be happy to test some more. Stuff like that isn't acceptable.

vattuvarg ( 2019-11-16 23:44:22 +0200 )edit

Now go to settings->usb and.select "always ask" then connect your device to your laptop. Does it ask as requested?

objectifnul ( 2019-11-17 00:07:24 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-11-16 17:44:15 +0200

objectifnul gravatar image

updated 2019-11-16 21:55:12 +0200

Of course, I'm suspecting some of my installed apps/patches may be the source of the issues I'm encountering (although I'm usually careful on this regard). However, the user (I insist: I'm a user, not a dev or a beta tester) is definitely unable to analyze which apps/patches are poorly designed/maintained and/or which OS features/changes may cause this kind of problems. IMV Jolla should be definitely in charge of that before deploying a new OS release (except EA releases).

BTW I was expecting down votes, no surprise. I'm only interested in Jolla's reactions.

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Why should/how could Jolla be responsible for third-party patches? Patches modify the OS in a non-standard way and you must expect them to fail, possibly catastrophically, at any OS modification. For this reason, I don't use any patch in my systems.

Giacomo Di Giacomo ( 2019-11-19 11:42:40 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-11-16 19:48:08 +0200

tortoisedoc gravatar image

updated 2019-11-16 19:49:54 +0200

suggest for you to look for help from the patching community i doubt jolla can be hold responsible for your tweaks (if they are the problem) or for any third-party patches.

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I will. However I doubt patches or «tweaks» are the sources of regression of the stock web browser or android support, for example. Improvements were expected. Regressions were obtained instead.

objectifnul ( 2019-11-16 19:59:34 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-11-19 00:46:57 +0200

Mohjive gravatar image

Did you go through as required? There are some "Stop releases" when upgrading from an earlier release, see https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/201836347#4.

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Yes I did. But now this story is more or less over: while sleeping, round about 3am, the device went mysteriously crazy (according to SysMon data collection suddenly interrupted). When I woke up, many things were broken for good. The phone rang, but I couldn't answer. I couldn't send any sms, etc. Ofono was dead.

So I eventually decided to perform a factory reset and reflash the phone to from the latest SailfishX image. Most bugs are still there of course, but the device looks stable.

objectifnul ( 2019-11-19 02:27:35 +0200 )edit

@objectifnul so... Your rant was based mostly on a borked installation or perhaps even hardware error?

Fuzzillogic ( 2019-11-19 10:30:03 +0200 )edit

I have two devices (Jolla and XperiaX) both showing same bugs after upgrade. For one of them (Sony), system stability (with bugs, though) was recovered only after fresh reflash. Forensic isn't easy of course, but you can't exclude that the issue is an imperfect port to Sony hardware/middleware.

objectifnul ( 2019-11-19 12:10:02 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-11-19 11:05:13 +0200

What about re-flash from scratch, using the latest image on Download area? You should avoid eventual errors due to too many OTA updates ...

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See above.

objectifnul ( 2019-11-19 12:00:03 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-11-19 13:31:39 +0200

Raymaen gravatar image

Well i must say after 3.2 my xa2 is finaly usable! I had the O2 provider issues with apps and so on... So the most annoying bugs were solved. And i dont use open repos or patches. This "unoficial stuff" causes issues when not maintained... So now there should be the next step to a new factory restet version for the XA2. My X downgraded back to 2.x something... Well the next uodate will probably have some impact on the browser, and then maybe new factory reset version?

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afaik, the reset version is never changed! reset version is always the version you flashed. so if you want a newer reset version, just reflash.

misc11 ( 2019-11-19 13:56:44 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2019-11-16 14:11:33 +0200

Seen: 1,571 times

Last updated: Nov 19 '19