ncurses disappeared [duplicate]
Strange: suddenly, I lost many basic linux commands ("command not found"). So I had to restore them with devel-su
+ pkcon install ncurses
. Did anyone else experience the same issue?
We have moved to a new Sailfish OS Forum. Please start new discussions there.
Strange: suddenly, I lost many basic linux commands ("command not found"). So I had to restore them with devel-su
+ pkcon install ncurses
. Did anyone else experience the same issue?
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Asked: 2019-11-20 11:13:10 +0200
Seen: 121 times
Last updated: Nov 20 '19
Make Fingerterm/Bash startup execute standard profile/bashrc scripts [answered]
linux: access phone storage via usb? [duplicate]
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A own directory for the android subsystem
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bash autocompletion not working
Why there is no "SailfishOS Emulator.vbox" separately, without SDK?
No explanation, though :-(
objectifnul ( 2019-11-20 12:01:11 +0200 )edit