XA2 Plus DS - SFOS 3.2 - Battery Drain and Fingerprint [answered]
Hello everyone,
3 Days ago I installed SFOS 3.2 on my XA2 Plus Dual Sim H4413.
Coming from:
Android 9 with the latest security patch. I followed every step in the instructions and installled 3.2 on my phone.
I noticed that the fingerprint sensor doenst work. (like in this thread: https://together.jolla.com/question/216242/xa2-fingerprint-scanner-not-working-dual-sim/)
Everything else worked. But soon I noticed that I have a huge battery drain. Tried different things, flight mode, 2G, 3G but without success.
I used Lighthouse to check the processes. I noticed two things:
I have negative RAM or lets say more RAM then I should have. Is this normal?
- Android fingerprint process
When I check processes there is one that jumps from 0 to 43 to 80 percent cpu load every few seconds. Interestingly it is a process for the fingerprint as it seems.
I am new to the Sailfish world and would appreciate some help :)
It looks like there's a bug with fingerprint when flashing from Android 9, and it can also be related to the battery drain. Either you downgrade your phone to Android 8 and flash SFOS again, or you may wait for a fix from Jolla.
This could also explain the weird memory reading. I have the same phone as you, flashed from Android 8, and I have the correct memory reading.
Giacomo Di Giacomo ( 2019-11-20 12:06:16 +0200 )editSometimes the upgrade is not finished correctly, try this:
manu007 ( 2019-11-20 12:15:37 +0200 )editas root (devel-su), execute:
pkcon refresh
version --dup
Then cold restart your device (power off, wait for a minute, then power ON).
From my side I use a H4493 (XA2 Plus dual SIM) and I noticied a battery drain i two cases:
1) When the WIFI is ON (between 2,5 to 3,5% by hour)
2) When the 3G/4G signal strength is low
Otherwise the battery consumption is +/- normal (between 0,8 and 1,8% by hour).
I tried as you suggested but unfortunately it didnt help. Still thanks for the suggestion.
Somstar ( 2019-11-20 14:27:05 +0200 )edit