Latest SFOS SDK update complains missing SSH tools on Win7 [answered]
asked 2019-11-25 20:02:16 +0200

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I've recently updated my SFOS SDK with recent release on Windows7 but it failed with complaining about missing SSH tools...
Removed the old installation, retried with clean install and still the same. QtCreator is not able to connect to virtual machine (they are visible in VirtualBox, can be started), etc...
Good day! Try to remove (make a backup in advance) the file \Users\Your username\ .ssh\known_hosts
zuyev ( 2019-11-25 22:57:25 +0200 )editI will give it a try! Thx.
zlutor ( 2019-11-26 15:29:26 +0200 )editno success... :(
exact error message: Error connecting to "Sailfish OS Emulator" virtual machine: Failed to establish SSH conection with virtual machine "Sailfish OS Emulator": Cannot establish SSH connection: ssh binary "" does not exist.
I can find necessary - looks to be OK - "ssh binaries" in my Git install path, adding them manually in Tools>Options>Devices>SSH does not help too much...
When I try to start up things from QtCreator I get this messages:
Error connecting to "Sailfish OS Emulator" virtual machine: Failed to establish SSH conection with virtual machine "Sailfish OS Emulator": SSH connection failure. Warning: Identity file F:\SDK\SailfishOS/vmshare/ssh/private_keys/Sailfish_OS-Emulator-latest/nemo not accessible: No such file or directory. Warning: Permanently added '[]:2223' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts. Permission denied (publickey,password). (Consider increasing SSH connection timeout in options.)
mentioned file is present but nemo does not.... regenerated from QtCreator, build engine has been started but still: :-1: error: Could not connect to build engine virtual machine. Cannot establish SSH connection: ssh binary "" does not exist.
zlutor ( 2019-11-28 19:20:18 +0200 )editwow, double-checking SDK installation page it is written there:
SDK Installer on Windows
Is it REALLY a prerequisite to have Windows 8 for Sailfish SDK!?
zlutor ( 2019-11-28 19:42:38 +0200 )editWindows 8 is definitely not a prerequisite. Actually the opposite is true. Windows versions 7 and 10 should work fine - I fixed the page.
Ville Nummela ( 2019-11-29 07:59:39 +0200 )edit