[segfault]: Adding CardDAV-only accounts [released]
This bug can be easily replicated on different phones (tested on Jolla tablet, Jolla C, X, XA2, vanilla X10) running SailfishOS or
Steps to reproduce 1st crash scenario:
- launch jolla-settings (either from command line or setting application)
- add new CalDAV/CardDAV account
- enter void username and password (e.g. test, test)
- enter void server url (eg. https://test.com)
- uncheck CalDAV radio button
- first accept button slide
- second accept button slide (settings app crashes with segfault)
2nd crash scenario:
- reopen settings application
- open newly created CardDAV account settings
- swipe back to accounts overview page (crashes with segfault)
3rd crash scenario:
- reopen settings application
- open newly created CardDAV account settings
- try to synchronize from pull-down menu (crashes with segfault)
Even using a valid CardDAV account (tested with Baikal) will synchronize contacts only if synchronization was choosen from long-press account menu. If I open the accounts settings and use synchronize from pull-down menu it crashes.
Yes, its a bug.
Closing the CardDav settings generated a crash on my XA2 dual since I have exact the described behavior. Synchronization is still possible by long pressing on the account name and selection via the context menu.
I added the bug here: https://together.jolla.com/question/217491/wiki-100-paper-cuts-in-sfos-3/?answer=218935#post-id-218935
4carlos ( 2019-12-11 05:50:35 +0200 )edit