[bug] mtp usb broken on xperia X SFOS

asked 2019-12-14 08:14:16 +0200

deepblue17 gravatar image

I just updated recently to SF 3.2 and figured out that MTP is no longer working, exactly described like here. I then tried to set the USB mode manually like: usb_moded_util -s mtp_mode But all I got was: Sorry an error occured, your request was not processed. Nice...

Then I figured out that the file 69-libmtp.rules doesn't exist at all. Any idea to which package this file belongs to?

And for sure, if I try to set the USB mode in the GUI to "ask everytime" nothing happens at all, and it always falls back to charging mode.

Any ideas how to fix that?

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I also do not have the mentioned file - how do you come to this '69-libmtp.rules' file?

3.2 here and it works fine.

Check for mtp_service

deloptes ( 2019-12-14 09:51:49 +0200 )edit

The file '69-libmtp.rules' was mentioned in another post, but good to know that this udev rule is no longer necessary.

Yes there is a binary at of mtp_service at: /usr/lib/mtp/mtp_service Doesn't seem to be mentioned in any init script, nor does the process run itself.

So what should I do with it?

deepblue17 ( 2019-12-15 00:56:52 +0200 )edit