how to eliminate gost ''harbour-ambience-template-'' from sound choser list ?

asked 2019-12-21 19:06:38 +0200

didilalala gravatar image

Is there any body that can help on how to eliminate thoses : ''harbour-ambience-template-alarm'' , '' harbour-ambience-template-calendar'' , '' harbour-ambience-template-chat'' , ''harbour-ambience-template-email'' , '' harbour-ambience-template-im'' , ''harbour-ambience-template-message'' harbour-ambience-template-ringtone" entries form the sound chooser list? those entries repeat them self 6 times in my sound chooser list. They are not listed in the ''sound.index'' file and they are not in any of my ambience folders as either part of any ''.ambiance'' file or in beaded ''sound'' sub folders. Restarting the ''ambienced'' service does not help either. No matter what, they always show up as part of the possible choice in the list of the available ringtone/notification sounds. And the sound chooser GUI does not include intagrated option to remove any of the sound listed there. So there should be an hidden or cached master sound index somewhere that do keep those entries. I just can not figure out where or witch one it is. Any tips would be greatly depreciated.

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so, why don't you use one of those items to do a search and see where the folder/file resides?

I would use SSH, but you could use Fileman from Openrepos or File Browser from Jolla Store.

Spam Hunter ( 2019-12-21 21:21:19 +0200 )edit