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[XA2] [3.2.1] [bug] Camera opens black image

asked 2019-12-24 14:32:35 +0200

Yusssufff gravatar image

hello! Since the early subscriber's version of 3.2.1 Nuuksio, i noticed that the camera regularly opens a black image... Either the camera shortcut on locked screen, or the button click to camera, or the camera app icon.... leaving and reopening the app helps.

image description

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It is not only since 3.2.1 but I had that earlier also with XA2...

peterleinchen ( 2019-12-24 15:21:29 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2019-12-26 13:37:16 +0200

WT.Sane gravatar image

Same here with XA2 Dualsim on

Fastest way to get the camera working again is to switch to the front camera and back.

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answered 2019-12-24 16:24:10 +0200

DrYak gravatar image

It usually happens when the camera is currently grabbed by another application.

Often, in my experience, it's grabbed by some android app.

Shutting down the android app (WhatsApp), or even shutting down the whole Android Compatibility Layer from settings, usually helps freeing the camera, and it's available again in camera.

(Sailfish OS isn't using PipeWire or other such webcam mixing server)

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Hello DrYak! Thanks to take the time to answer! Well in my case i rarely open the whole AndroidAppSupport...And if i do its just to use firefox which doesnt use/ has access to camera... And i dont think any sailfish app of mine uses camera either... The thing is its never a horrible bug, just leaving and reopening the camera app works always. Its just a small bug to me...

Yusssufff ( 2019-12-24 23:48:58 +0200 )edit

actually Firefox can use the camera, for WebRTC (e.g. for Video chat web apps, like Skype Web, Mert.Jit.si etc.)

So it's entirely possible that the Android support grabs the camera, but then just doesn't do anything with it if you didn't grant the android app permission or the firefox web permissions.

If it happens also while it's shut down, another source of trouble might be the destination directory:

  • are you by default writing photos to the SD card?
  • are you affected by the bug where the SD doesn't always automount on boot?

(that last one apparently seems to happens more often with linux-type filesystems (ext4, btrfs) than FAT32 according to other community members. And according to Jolla's devs, it should have gone a bit better in 3.2.1, though I still experienced it.)

DrYak ( 2019-12-25 12:46:24 +0200 )edit

perhaps it would be interesting to watch the output of journalctl --follow during the exact moment when the camera ooens in a black screen.

DrYak ( 2019-12-25 12:48:08 +0200 )edit

HI! well in my case the photos are saved in the device memory (not on sd card)...and i didnt had such umounting problem anyhow (exept after systhem updates only)... As for firefox usage, well webrtc in my case is disabled (in about:config) and the app isnt allowed to use camera either... Anyhow i open the android subsysthem maybe once a week, so its surprising if it is related but i may be wrong assuming that:).

Yusssufff ( 2019-12-25 18:18:34 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2019-12-24 14:32:35 +0200

Seen: 298 times

Last updated: Dec 26 '19