Trouble installing Sailfish on a Sony Xperia 10 Dual Sim
asked 2019-12-29 23:50:53 +0200

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Hello Everybody,
I bought a Sony Xperia 10 Dual Sim to install Sailfish.
Of course I bought the license AND did everything the instructions told me.
Even after three tries it didn't work out.
My question is: Does anybody experienced the same and does anyone has a recommendation what to do.
I am not exactly an expert but I get along with Linux and Mac since quite a long time, ...
By the the way I installed from a Mac by the way.
Thank's in advance
The only thing i can tell you, i had problems installing it from Windows, but when i tried it under Linux it succeeded without any problems. But if i remember it wright, it was a Dual Boot installation on my Laptop, so it was a full linux installation on a part of the HD. So probably you cannot do something like that on a Mac!? Cause i think a virtual machine has problems with the drivers...
Firefox84 ( 2019-12-30 00:05:11 +0200 )editCan you provide additional info about the failure? Like what error you have, at which level flashing the device fail? As Firefox84 said, if you have Linux or Windows, you could try flashing the OS from there.
orangecat ( 2019-12-30 01:45:01 +0200 )edit@ftm Are you using android-platform-tools installed via Homebrew? In which case is Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.41 Version 29.0.2-5738569 and fastboot version 29.0.2-5738569? Haven't yet got around flashing I3113 from Mac, but no issues flashing F5121, F5122 & F5321.
aspergerguy ( 2019-12-30 17:02:45 +0200 )edit@ftm: Please update your question or question title, Xperia X is not Xperia 10!
Pohli ( 2019-12-30 17:11:11 +0200 )editI managed to install SFOS 3.2 (Nuuksio) on Xperia 10 Dual Sim with no problems last friday with Windows 7 machine. You just have to follow the steps and if you are unsure, make sure you completed the steps correctly before moving to the next step. And if you are really stuck, either restart from beginning or ask help for example at here TJC.
Also remember that not all recharching cables are able to carry data, so changing cables might be a good thing if you the one you are using isn't working!
avhakola ( 2019-12-31 21:08:51 +0200 )edit