Any app/options for remote control / desktop sharing like teamviewer?

asked 2020-01-16 18:36:38 +0200

Wolfson gravatar image


On my journey with Sailfish, I sometimes feel like an evangelist. I meanwhile made some people around me converting and switching to SFOS. However, this brings one issue: I'm often asked things like "how does this work" or "how can I get this". For questions like this, I've used teamviewer since years when my parents had issues on their computers. So I can not only fix something on their side, but also explain and they can watch and learn in order to (hopefully) be able to do it on their own next time. I would now love to have a similar possibility for people having issues with their SFOS driven smartphones. I've tried the teamviewer app with microG enabled but unfortunately, it does not work. Is there any way to get teamviewer to work or is there an alternative?

Thanks in advance for every hint!

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I have install skype for business but it works only of the Sony Xperia 10 becaues Android 9. On my Jolla C its not work, because skype for business needs minimum Android 6 or 8 since the last year. Its used also a service like Team Viewer. I have also only microG,
Verry important is that you uninsall all android apps after intall microG. After the reinstalling oft the apps of android its run perfect by me.

Ralf ( 2020-01-16 22:13:23 +0200 )edit

As for native options, you could use screencast from OpenRepos. It only streams the picture, no input, but that is still something. Maybe you could even ask the author about such feature

JacekJagosz ( 2020-01-16 23:43:13 +0200 )edit