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Which Linux Distro's code May contribute in enhancing Sailfish OS? Is Sailfish OS a fork from Fedora? [answered]

asked 2020-02-02 12:20:23 +0200

Yusssufff gravatar image

updated 2020-02-02 12:21:04 +0200

Hi Sailors! I have a technical question... As far as i understood (feel free to correct me), some linux distributions are forked from other "mother" ones. Like Ubuntu forked from Debian. But if i understand correctly, contributing to use/develop Debian helps the forked kid (here Ubuntu) who can use refreshed mother code in his next versions....

In the wikipedia timeline, Sailfish OS seems forked from Fedora "mother" branche... Here: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1b/Linux_Distribution_Timeline.svg

Would that mean that contrubuting to Fedora helps the current/future developpement of Sailfish OS? Or contributing to KDE for the Qt parts? Or to opensuse for the zypper tools?

Using/contributing to which desktop distribution may impact positively the Sailfish code? Thanks!!!!

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SailfishOS is a fork of MeeGo Linux, it uses the core distribution of Mer and implements the MeeGo API along with the use of Qt and QML.

Spam Hunter ( 2020-02-02 12:34:48 +0200 )

FTR: MeeGo @ Wikipedia

A.Maretzek ( 2020-02-02 13:41:37 +0200 )

Now that said, there a couple of RPM based distros which have ARM7 builds whose packages can more or less directly be installed on Sailfish OS.

I've had success with a few select package from opensuse (which has it own weird lineage, with roots into SLS and Slackware, but a lot of cross-polination "inspired by" redhat/fedora), and some other community members have been using package from fedora.

(e.g.: to get a newer mksquashfs, etc.)

But yup, indeed none of the major linux distro is "used downstream" into sailfish OS.

The workflow is:

{upstream linux projects: Qt, etc.} -> {mer project} -> {sailfish OS} -> {regional variants such as Aurora OS}

other project benefiting from mer project include examples such as LuneOS (a modern descendant of Palm/HP/LG's webOS) and AsteroidOS (smartwatches).

UBTouch indirectly benefit from mer project. It's a Ubuntu derivative (which in turn is a Debian derivative), but it uses mer project's libhybris for deployment on android-targetting smartphones.

DrYak ( 2020-02-04 13:24:42 +0200 )
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2 Answers

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answered 2020-02-02 12:34:24 +0200

ApB gravatar image

None. The thing that will benefit SFOS most is writing native apps that are missing. Upstream handles most of the packages needed for SFOS. There are some things that need to be improved in the SFOS ecosystem BUT those have to align with what jolla does. Ie. someone could improve the compositor but this requires -afai understand- newer QT and this is something that jolla hasn't updated yet.




Tbh the thing that will benifit SFOS the most is getting already existing native apps to work. I doubt that someone will ever write a hydrus analogue, and there are many commonly used packages missing from repos(zstd, zsh, jpegcrush, pngcrush, dhcpcd, dnsmasq and even man), so rebasing on another distribution would be a good idea.

And getting something like archlinux AUR, would be great. Which probably can be done by grabbing makepkg from pacman and writing a helper to wrap pkcon and makepkg, but jolla would have to host "aur" repo then.

0xe4524ffe ( 2020-02-02 23:01:29 +0200 )
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answered 2020-02-03 12:52:36 +0200

nephros gravatar image

No, SailfishOS is not a fork from Fedora. See @Edz's comment above.

The history/ancestry of Moblin, MeeGo, MeeGoHarmattan, Mer, and hence SailfishOS is rather complicated, and it's difficult to show on a graph.

But for all practical purposes, there is no major Linux distribution SFOS is a "fork" of.

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Asked: 2020-02-02 12:20:23 +0200

Seen: 844 times

Last updated: Feb 03 '20