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[bug] Swipe to quit on the XA2 somtimes seems to be "inactive"

asked 2020-02-18 17:39:34 +0200

broncheolus gravatar image

updated 2020-04-04 13:30:30 +0200

Hi there, I read about a similar problem somwhere (I think) here but I really can't find it any more so I start a bug report.

Well, on my XA2 with latest SFOS there seems to be a problem with "swipe from right/left top" to close an app. Here my observations:

  • it mostly seems to be in landscape, no matter if Android or sailfish app
  • when in landscape, swiping from the middle works but not perfectly well, but it works
  • when swiping from the middle, even just one millimeter, swipe to close gets "activated" and works perfectly. So the guess that the swipe margin is too small, especially on the rounded edges of the screen, seems not to be the problem
  • on advanced camera in landscape after taking a picture it is not possible to quit the app from the right or left side. After some seconds it is possible to do so. Once it was used successfully it seems to work normally
  • sometimes in settings app when you have to scroll down a page because it's a bit longer, swipe to quit does not work when you are not on the top of the page. Getting to the top or (I don't know exactly) swiping back to the left makes quitting possible.

Well it seems that there is a problem that the marging for "swipe to quit" is not always active. These problems happen frequently and every day but I cannot reproduce them all the time. Hope this helps fixing the problem.

Greetings, broncheolus.

PS.: I really like SFOS on my XA2.

[update] 03.03.2020: Bug still present in

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I have seen this issue on JP1 and Xperia X for.quite a while now. Additionally, at least on the X, it seems that in the same situation, pressing on an app icon in the system icon grid instead of trying to close an app, the app to be launched dont get started until a second press is done. This is certainly a bug that should be fixed. rgds

spectorr ( 2020-02-21 12:53:10 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2020-02-19 10:52:04 +0200

updated 2020-02-19 15:21:25 +0200

CONFIRMING this bug in below comment!

As said by @AkiBerlin
There is no dependency between swiping from middle and left/right.
It is just the problem with 'swiping really needs to start from the very edge'. So try starting the swipe from the top (side) of the device (where HW buttons are) and it will work 90%.
I agree it should react better but this problem is caused due to the curved screen.

Regarding the comment:

Swiping in the middle part does not require that the swipe is from the very edge.

This is only true in app drawer or notification screen but when running an app swiping for top menu also needs to be from the very edge.

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@peterleinchen: Thank you - you are right regarding the mddle top swipe. Sorry for any confusion

AkiBerlin ( 2020-02-19 14:22:43 +0200 )edit

hi, please don't take me wrong, I understand what you say and I see your point but the problem is indeed as I've described above. Swiping does not work no matter as far from the edge. It starts working when I've used the middle swipe and that perfectly well even when I use the edge quite "lasy". I've tried this many times to be sure about that. This is absolutely reproducible.

Just a thought: I don't know how such an OS is organised but is it possible that the side swipe margin sometimes stays under the App window and comes over the app window after some time (e.g. advanced camera) or after using the Middle swipe (e.g. DeltaChat)?

broncheolus ( 2020-02-19 14:31:22 +0200 )edit

And I need to apologize and AGREE TO YOU!

This IS a bug.
I did see this as just another incovenience of the XA2 with its curved screen. But I just found with your explanation that this is absolutely reproducible with the e-mail app.

Needs to be fixed by @Jolla

peterleinchen ( 2020-02-19 15:19:53 +0200 )edit

answered 2020-02-18 20:55:57 +0200

AkiBerlin gravatar image

updated 2020-02-19 16:13:39 +0200

@broncheolus: You are right - further testing revealed that right or left top swipe initially opens the in app top menu instead of closing the app. As you said - once you made a mid top swipe, the right or left swipe to close the app works. Apparently this strange behaviour escaped me because it only occurs initially. But it is a bug.

So, forget everything I said below

A short answer to the observation that "when swiping from the middle, even just one millimeter, swipe to close gets "activated" and works perfectly. So the guess that the swipe margin is too small, especially on the rounded edges of the screen, seems not to be the problem"

Swiping in the middle part does not require that the swipe is from the very edge (EDIT: @peterleinchen is correct (see below) - and my statement is misleading because in app top menues indeed require a top swipe from the very edge, Sorry for confusion). However, swiping for closing an app requires that the swipe begins at the very edge of the display. Accordlingly, I still believe that the swipe margin for closing an app is too small on the XA2 with the rounded display edge.

BTW: I have observed the same problem as you did but came to a different conclusion.

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Well, the problem I see is that quitting does not work at all at some moments but after using the middle swipe suddenly swiping to quit works really really perfectly. I cannot imagine that the margin for closing changes by using the middle swipe. It seems that the possibility to close does not even exist in these situations and gets created by using the middle swipe. Thanks for your answer. :-)

broncheolus ( 2020-02-19 01:38:19 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2020-02-18 17:39:34 +0200

Seen: 355 times

Last updated: Apr 04 '20