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Gallery - no Pictures from Cloud (OneDrive, Dropbox, Nextcloud)

asked 2020-04-03 10:15:13 +0200

Cryx gravatar image

updated 2020-04-05 18:38:54 +0200

I set up OneDrive, Dropbox and now also Nextcloud in the accounts, but the Gallery App doesn't show anything from this services. I had this problem wit OneDrive a d Dropbox for a longer time, but now I wonder that the new Nextcloud integration has the same problem. Xperia XA2, Sailfish OS 3.3 from yesterday's release. Nextcloud 18.0.1

Any hints?

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It's a cruel thing... After renaming my old "Photos" folder in my Nextcloud to german "Fotos" and setting up a new empty "Photos“ folder I was able to upload a picture, but didn't see it in the gallery. As it is my secondary phone the battery went empty over TV weekend, and after a stated the XA2 the Nextcloud with the picture in it app apperead in gallery app. Question now: Why? Does Sailfish OS just checks the Nextclouds Photos folder for content or does it access the Nextclouds database to do so? If first, why doesn't an suddenly uploaded picture appear immediately? If second than this strange behavior of the pictures appearing some days later might occurr cause of the Nextcloud cronjob setting.

Cryx ( 2020-04-14 10:42:44 +0200 )edit

3 Answers

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answered 2020-04-03 10:32:17 +0200

atlochowski gravatar image

updated 2020-04-03 12:50:47 +0200

Show us logs.

Open terminal:

journalctl -f

Open Settings -> Accounts -> Long tap on Nextcloud -> Sync -> Show us logs

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I have the same problem. The relevant log output is (I copied only the lines that seem to belong to nextcloud because of the character limit):

Apr 03 09:40:09 Sailfish nextcloud-images-client[6213]: [W] unknown:0 - This device does not have a 
BT adapter
Apr 03 09:40:10 Sailfish caldav-client[6223]: [W] unknown:0 - This device does not have a BT adapter
Apr 03 09:40:11 Sailfish carddav-client[6233]: [W] unknown:0 - This device does not have a BT adapter
Apr 03 09:40:12 Sailfish nextcloud-backup-client[6193]: [W] unknown:0 - Backup/restore options for sync profile "nextcloud.Backup-140" has invalid operation type: ""
Apr 03 09:40:12 Sailfish nextcloud-backup-client[6193]: [W] unknown:0 - Could not load backup/restore options for "nextcloud.Backup-140"
Apr 03 09:40:12 Sailfish nextcloud-backup-client[6193]: [W] unknown:0 - Nextcloud "nextcloud-backup" sync for account 140 finished with error: "Config load failed"
Apr 03 09:40:12 Sailfish nextcloud-backup-client[6193]: [C] unknown:0 - Nextcloud Backup sync failed: 401 ""
Apr 03 09:40:13 Sailfish carddav-client[6233]: [W] unknown:0 - The 'mergePresenceChanges' option has not been configured - presence changes will only be reported via ContactManagerEngine::contactsPresenceChanged()
Apr 03 09:40:13 Sailfish nextcloud-posts-client[6203]: [W] unknown:0 - Nextcloud "nextcloud-posts" sync for account 140 finished with error: "Capabilities request failed (http status=404)"
Apr 03 09:40:13 Sailfish nextcloud-posts-client[6203]: [C] unknown:0 - Nextcloud Posts sync failed: 401 ""
Apr 03 09:40:13 Sailfish nextcloud-images-client[6213]: [W] unknown:0 - Nextcloud "nextcloud-images" sync for account 140 finished with error: "User info request failed (http status=404)"
Apr 03 09:40:13 Sailfish nextcloud-images-client[6213]: [C] unknown:0 - Nextcloud Images sync failed: 401 ""
fifr ( 2020-04-03 10:45:34 +0200 )edit

I checked and have exactly the same problem.

atlochowski ( 2020-04-03 10:46:53 +0200 )edit

me too add new nextcloud account, and no images from nextcloud in gallery

sashikknox ( 2020-04-03 12:47:11 +0200 )edit

"Capabilities request failed (http status=404)"

Hm, is your Nextcloud host set correctly (perhaps protocol or path? No redirects?)? This should not end up with a 404.

Blizzz ( 2020-04-03 13:19:15 +0200 )edit

@Blizzz: I have no idea. Every other client I've ever used worked flawlessly, calendar and contacts sync seems to work, too. Is there something I need to install or activate on the server side? How can I find out the exact request that failed?

fifr ( 2020-04-03 14:54:04 +0200 )edit

answered 2020-04-03 13:30:15 +0200

atlochowski gravatar image

i can add something from me:

Apr 03 12:24:58 Sailfish nextcloud-backup-client[9033]: [W] unknown:0 - Backup/restore options for sync profile "nextcloud.Backup-18" do not specify a local directory!
Apr 03 12:24:58 Sailfish nextcloud-backup-client[9033]: [W] unknown:0 - Could not load backup/restore options for "nextcloud.Backup-18"
Apr 03 12:24:58 Sailfish nextcloud-backup-client[9033]: [W] unknown:0 - Nextcloud "nextcloud-backup" sync for account 18 finished with error: "Config load failed"
Apr 03 12:24:58 Sailfish nextcloud-backup-client[9033]: [C] unknown:0 - Nextcloud Backup sync failed: 401 ""
Apr 03 12:25:07 Sailfish nextcloud-images-client[9044]: [W] unknown:0 - JSON parsing failed: "illegal value"
Apr 03 12:25:07 Sailfish nextcloud-images-client[9044]: [W] unknown:0 - Nextcloud "nextcloud-images" sync for account 18 finished with error: "No user id found in server response"
Apr 03 12:25:07 Sailfish nextcloud-images-client[9044]: [C] unknown:0 - Nextcloud Images sync failed: 401 ""

On phone side everything is set correctly, for exaple I can make backup and send it to my Owncloud from Backup menu. But photo sync always fail.

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Might be that ownCloud simply does not support that

Blizzz ( 2020-04-03 14:43:11 +0200 )edit

Same exact issue here. OneDrive,Dropbox and now NextCloud. Backup works fine with NextCloud but trying to upload individual files from storage results in an error. Gallery also doesn't sync album from OneDrive, Dropbox and NextCloud, it's just greyed out. Worth mentioning SailSync uploads files fine to the same instance for example.

apostrof ( 2020-04-03 14:49:26 +0200 )edit

EDIT: I just took a picture with my Jolla1, uploaded it to Dropbox, synced the account, went back to Gallery and the image is there, but uploading a random image from my PC to dropbox does not show.

Original comment Yep, same problem with Dropbox. Sign in process was slow but worked. Purposely uploaded a test image but still nothing appears in Dropbox window in Gallery. Syncing from Dropbox account in Accounts does not help. Restarted lipstick in case its a graphical error. Disabled and enabled account, still no change. restarted Tracker from Sailfish Utilities, also does not help. Fortunately, I rarely use dropbox from my device, but it would be nice for it to actually work.

Spam Hunter ( 2020-04-03 21:04:19 +0200 )edit

Equal problems with One drive since last September 2019.

N9Sailfish ( 2020-04-04 08:45:54 +0200 )edit

Apparently it's a hard coded path so you need to create a folder in your NextCloud/OneDrive/DropBox called “Photos” and then it will work. I did it and NextCloud now works in Gallery and it syncs both ways, images are there, working fine. Hope this helps some of you having the same issue

apostrof ( 2020-04-04 10:18:42 +0200 )edit

answered 2020-04-06 08:55:29 +0200

ziellos gravatar image

updated 2020-04-06 11:47:17 +0200

It seems it is necessary that the nextcloud instance is located in the webserver's root directory, not in a sub directory.

I created an additional virtual host to access nextcloud at https://nextcloud.servername instead of https://servername/nextcloud, and now nextcloud's Photos folder appears in the Sailfish gallery app.

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My Nextcloud instance is running in a subdomain (https://subdomain.mydomain.de). But this also could not be responsible for the same problems with OneDrive and Dropbox...

Cryx ( 2020-04-06 08:59:37 +0200 )edit

Never used Onedrive or Dropbox myself, so cannot comment on these. In my case, putting nextcloud into a subdomain helped to get both cloud backup and gallery integration working. Is backup from Sailfish to nextcloud working in your environment?

ziellos ( 2020-04-06 09:30:58 +0200 )edit

Hm is it possible to have one Nextcloud accessible in a subdomain such as https://nextcloud.mydomain.mycountry/ and simultaneously with sub-folder such as https://www.mydomain.mycountry/nextcloud

If not this would break all links I've given to friends and family.

jollajo ( 2020-04-06 11:11:02 +0200 )edit

but, this seems to be bug then, right? Not everyone can simply create a new subdomain ...

fifr ( 2020-04-06 11:32:09 +0200 )edit

@jollajo: yes, this is possible. For the same reason I had to create a new virtual host for Sailfish, but keep the original subfolder for existing links.

ziellos ( 2020-04-06 11:46:48 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2020-04-03 10:15:13 +0200

Seen: 1,129 times

Last updated: Apr 06 '20