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How to report bugs? [answered]

asked 2020-04-07 14:05:22 +0200

Hello everybody,

I'm new here and finally in use of sailfish x for a few days. At first I want to thank Jolla/the members for making it possible and create this software. I'm happy that the flashing and everything else in the beginning went very well. But while using the system, i quickly noticed a lot of bugs, also have a few questions and ideas, but mainly bug reports. I've read lots of guidelines etc. on the Jolla sites but have to admit, that I'm partly confused now. So in the case I'm asking a question which has been answered somewhere, don't be mad, as I have tried to find answers here. So my main question is how to report bugs? I see that people here in this community post them but also that there is a Customer Care site for sending bug reports. So why are there 2 ways instead of only 1 to report bugs and which one should I use? I have 20 different (and some of them important) bugs etc. I want to write the developers so they hopefully fix them. For me it would be the most easy, to write one big message including all of them but what is the most easy way for the devs to read them and at first to reach them? And in case I should use the Customer care platform, would they want me to create one post for each bug(/idea/question) or would one big message be fine?

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The question has been closed for the following reason "the question is answered, an answer was accepted" by molan
close date 2020-04-14 13:00:38.981724

1 Answer

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answered 2020-04-07 16:02:02 +0200

jovirkku gravatar image

Hello, and thanks for asking.

This forum, together.jolla.com ("TJC") should be the main channel for bug reports as the posts here are visible to everyone. This gives us in Jolla a better understanding of how common or wide-spread various problems/bugs/nuisances are (or how badly wanted new features are). And more than that, there are plenty of talented software experts willing to help you out from the trouble. TJC is for technical problems.

On the other hand, Jolla customer care (based on the Zendesk tool) keeps the posts private. If you need privacy and/or prefer instructions in plain English (hopefully) then Care could be your choice. But note that Care has very limited resources, so getting a reply may take time. Also, Care is trying to avoid the answers requiring the command line interface - the help is based on the phone GUI, guidance and best practices. All issues related to access rights, licences and payments belong to Care.

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Also in order to avoid duplicated entries it's worth searching for existing bug reports and upvote them. A search by tags can be helpful as well.

molan ( 2020-04-07 16:07:27 +0200 )edit

Also, please avoid reporting multiple issues in one post, right?

attah ( 2020-04-07 19:27:16 +0200 )edit

Thank you for the answers. As you want to keep unnecessary posts down, what about just saying thanks to somebody after he/she did help out? Should that be avoided also?

Sirous ( 2020-04-08 21:31:31 +0200 )edit

@Sirous: Saying thank you is always nice. The upvote button is a good way to do that - or the comment section under an answer :)

molan ( 2020-04-14 13:00:26 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2020-04-07 14:05:22 +0200

Seen: 226 times

Last updated: Apr 07 '20