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How to enable system package replacement with MicroG in [answered]

asked 2020-04-10 13:34:14 +0300

AkiBerlin gravatar image

updated 2020-04-27 21:15:52 +0300

Somehow I messed up with MicroG services core when updating some Android Apps.

Signature spoofing does not work anymore.

The problem:

  • After having installed microG services core, I cannot enable "enable system package replacement" with the Android settings from Sailfish's settings. Accordingly, the Self-Check of microG services core fails with respect to signature spoofing

In the Android settings I cannot check "enable system package replacement" :

in settings I cannot check "enable system package replacement"

This is because the step "push the "<|" Android back arrow" now (in results in quitting the settings instead of leading to the main screen of the Android Settings App, as suggested in DrYak's instructions:

image description

I made a factory reset, and thereafter I could enable system package replacement und 3.2.0 - following DrYak's instructions. This doesn't work in because there is no way to access the main screen of Android settings (at least, I couldn't find one)

Any idea (DrYak?)?

EDIT: with my Xperia 10 I didn't do the same mistake, so everything is fine and system package replacement is (still) enabled BUT I also cannot change this setting. Therefore I believe it is somehow tied to the changes in regarding Android support and in particular how settings for Android Apps are delt with in the Sailfish settings.

BTW: everything was fine after installing until I mistakenly "updated" microG services core by means of Aurora Store (instead of using F-Droid). I was so stupid to press "update all"

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you did not update MicroG but let Google takover :(

You have to blacklist
in Aurora (and in case also Yalp) store!

peterleinchen ( 2020-04-10 17:10:44 +0300 )edit

@peterleinchen: I guess you are right

is there any way to get writ of Google again?

And: it's only part of the problem: apparently settings for Android Apps are different in than they used to be before. That's why I cannot enable system package replacement

AkiBerlin ( 2020-04-10 17:36:53 +0300 )edit

I am not on 3.3.0 yet but did not read that Android settings are different (only that the bug/feature/workaround to get to full Android settings is gone, you'll need coderus AlienDalvikControl)?
What is different?

peterleinchen ( 2020-04-10 17:47:47 +0300 )edit

What about method 2?

AlienDalvik Control from.coderus on openrepos?

peterleinchen ( 2020-04-11 17:51:44 +0300 )edit

Sorry, as I am overwhelmed by my day job currently (I develop a bioinformatics pipeline for analyzing deep sequencing data of viruses. You can guess what work looks like given the current SARS-CoV-2 outbreak).

So I didn't have anytime to test the early release of 3.3.0

I saw Coderus made a 3.3.0 compatible upgrade of of AlienDalvik Control. Maybe that one can open the settings and help you grant the signature spoofing permission ?

DrYak ( 2020-04-18 08:21:07 +0300 )edit

3 Answers

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answered 2020-04-27 20:46:21 +0300

AkiBerlin gravatar image

updated 2020-04-27 20:48:08 +0300

I accidentally found a solution to my problem:

If I start the Android settings for MicroG from Saifish Settings -> Apps prior to starting Android App support (launching of Android App Support is thus triggered) I see the general Android settings menu DrYak is referring to in his tutorial:

Android general *settings

So, the way to access the general Android settings menu is to switch off Android App Support, and open the Android settings for any Android App via Sailfish Settings -> Apps

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  1. ....and thank for finding this trick I will update the tutorial.
DrYak ( 2020-05-01 20:19:36 +0300 )edit

answered 2020-05-04 20:32:47 +0300

hetas gravatar image

updated 2020-05-04 20:40:03 +0300

Here's one more solution to get to Android settings if you're using Aurora store. Aurora can be installed from F-Droid

  1. Open aurora
  2. Menu
  3. My Apps & Games
  4. Long click any app to open context menu
  5. Click App Info

(you're now on the main screen of the Android Settings)

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Nice one! :)

peterleinchen ( 2020-05-04 23:46:03 +0300 )edit

answered 2020-04-10 17:17:12 +0300

Maybe there is a way to solve with deinstalling/removing everything from com.google.android.* (including the MicroG service) and reinstall from f-droid?
But maybe a full deinstallation/installation of android support might be necessary?

(I would not rely on my answer as not an Android expert...)

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That is what I already did ...

and it didn't help. After deinstalling I searched for traces of microG / Google and it appeared clean. After reinstalling everything the signature key problem in F-Droid was still there - although I downloaded and installed microG Systems Core anew from F-Droid

AkiBerlin ( 2020-04-10 17:37:41 +0300 )edit

Hmm, then second option of removing Android Support and have it re-installed from Jolla store sounds the way to go?

peterleinchen ( 2020-04-10 17:49:02 +0300 )edit

I did it way back but I don't remember how I solved it. Maybe I had to delete the whole Android directory.

Giacomo Di Giacomo ( 2020-04-11 00:17:44 +0300 )edit
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Asked: 2020-04-10 13:34:14 +0300

Seen: 1,471 times

Last updated: May 04 '20