Xperia 10 screen orientation not working
asked 2020-04-13 12:53:45 +0200

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Hello Forum,
I received my new Sony Xperia 10 and installed SailfishOS 3.2.1
Now the screen orientation is not changing when turn my phone. As far as I remember it worked correctly on the original Sony configuration when I took it out of the box.
If I change the setting "Orientation" it does not change anything.
Did someone else see see this problem?
Regards, Sam
18.April 2020: Checked again, no rotation at all on my phone. According to user "Spark's" comment, this shall be fixed in 3.3. So I hope and wait for 3.3. It's a really ugly problem!!
As I recall, there are many screens that do not rotate in SailfishOS. A patch can be applied to allow ALL orientations but not out of the box, having said that, I'm still using the original Jolla1 device, so I cannot be certain about Sony devices.
For example, the lockscreen does not rotate on my device, Jolla Store does not rotate, Settings does not rotate, however, Jolla Email does rotate, Jolla Messages does rotate. If things are different with Sony devices, please do correct me.
Spam Hunter ( 2020-04-13 13:05:52 +0200 )editTo make confusion complete, Android apps don't obey an active orientation lock on xperia 10 and 3.2. This is fixed in 3.3
Spark ( 2020-04-13 13:31:46 +0200 )editThe tablet has a different screen resolution, so yes, landscape in many cases was/is allowed for JTab.
Some devices applications, like the original Jolla1, just do not look good when in landscape, but this is of course, both subjective and argumentative.
Spam Hunter ( 2020-04-13 16:13:53 +0200 )editOf the default apps, at least the following apps do rotate: email, calendar, notes, gallery, calculator, messages, browser.
jovirkku ( 2020-04-14 10:36:36 +0200 )editThe following apps do not rotate: phone, people, jolla store, media, weather.
Sorry the comment vanished 8-), so i retype it with some correction. It seems that different devices have different behavoirs. On Tablet and Gemimi PDA screen rotation works as expected (on all Sailfish OS Screens and Jolla native apps, including phone, people, jolla store, ..). So as i wrote earlier, i think the device must be 'enabled' by Jolla (or the community?) to work correct as landscape device 8-). @Edz: You are right. Some screens really look ugly and are not really handsome (same on Gemini PDA), but the user should have the option to use it anyway if he wants ;-).
gabs5807 ( 2020-04-14 13:02:07 +0200 )edit