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XA2+ stuck in "Sony logo + white LED", e2fsck says "bad magic number" [answered]

asked 2020-04-20 00:07:35 +0200

Lutwolf gravatar image

updated 2020-04-21 16:00:56 +0200

jovirkku gravatar image

Ahoj folks,

I have encrypted and resized my XA2+'s home partition all according to both Jolla's and TJC's suggestions, and after a day of reinstalling everything that was installed before, everything worked fine - until I rebooted. Now I'm stuck in the Sony logo screen, the white LED is on, and when I run e2fsck via fastboot it tells me the following:

image description

What do?

More: this is what filecheck looks like after (now the third) factory reset via fastbot - okay, completely reflash, or anything else?

image description

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The question has been closed for the following reason "the question is answered, an answer was accepted" by jovirkku
close date 2020-04-21 16:01:16.528606


Add-On: this is already the second time, built from scratch twice. The USB ports on my PC are downgraded to USB 2.0, the hybris-recovery-Image is not 3.3.xx but 3.2.1.xx but it worked well.

2nd Add-On: the I/O-errors ocurred all the time when e2fsck was involved, though they were deemed a harmless bug - is that so? I don't like the possibility of fs/memory corruption even in clean state.

Lutwolf ( 2020-04-20 00:10:40 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2020-04-21 14:40:33 +0200

Lutwolf gravatar image

Aaand we have a winner - I should have read the instructions more thoroughly.

In my case it was the (otherwise great) DEFENDER app from OpenRepos, guarding my XA2+ from being unlocked via encryption security code prompt.

Luckily it only took me 6 factory resets and reinstalls until I could confirm this to be the weak point. Hope I spared others (and myself, I often find myself being grateful someone already posted solutions to stupid problems here and then see that I was the one who brought up both problem and solution ;) the hassle of opening up the same question with the same issue.

Have fun and stay healthy, cheers!

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What do you mean with 'should have read instructions'? Which instructions?

I thought only the X10 was affected by this Defender boot problem.

Does that mean all devices will not boot anymore when encryption activated and Defender installed?

peterleinchen ( 2020-04-21 23:38:37 +0200 )edit

@peterleinchen: No, it does not but the risk may be higher. We (Jolla) have test-installed the Defender app from OpenRepos to several Xperia devices having OS release in them. The Defender was not used in any particular way in these tests - it was just opened to see that it basically works. Then, those devices were upgraded to the latest version of the upcoming 3.3.0 release. The encryption of user data was activated at the same time. The update went smoothly. We do not know if more serious use of Defender would change something in the system so that this would make OS updates fail. It might be possible, judging by the reports of some users. Therefore, it may be good to remove Defender before installing the update.

jovirkku ( 2020-04-22 12:12:30 +0200 )edit

Thanks for the comment (did not notice until just now). But would it then not be a good idea to announce that better in 3.3.0 release notes? That likely all XA2 might be affected, too.

I had a look at the package and do not see any obvious alteration of system files (did not go through all sources). But it uses systemd.path, systemd.service and systemd.timer and I might remember that there was something with services (or was it jobs?) enabled during upgrade. Nevertheless.

You say the solely installation of defender does not affect upgrade nor booting up an encrypted XA2!
That is counterfeited by @Lutwolf!
Or did you configure something after installation?
And @Lutwolf: would you be brave enough to test it once more then? Just install and reboot?
Or at least let us know if you changed config and which?

As I see it only modifies the /etc/hosts file and/or makes the cookie database under /home/nemo/.config/... read-only. Nothing what should affect a boot process, so my guess goes to systemd hang-up (unfortunately my systemd knowledge is erm ...).

what happens if the defender system service is called early and does not return? I might have spotted one reason for that. (edit: but that should have affect my XA2 3.2.1, no encryption, as well. So wrong path. But what is the dfference why defender crashes encrypted device???).

peterleinchen ( 2020-04-25 16:06:58 +0200 )edit

Thanks @Lutwolf. I confirm that Defender can also break a freshly flashed Xperia X... I flashed it in It's probably related to the encryption indeed (It was working when I was on without encryption). I wonder if it would break also for people just enabling encryption.

@peterleinchen I did nothing else than:

  • flash / factory reset
  • install gPodder (to get PyOtherSide, required by Defender)
  • install Defender and reboot (I didn't even opened the app).

It failed to boot all the time. I did multiple tests: with and without setting a passcode for encryption, same result. Welcome back, ads :( :(

Sthocs ( 2020-05-03 16:28:52 +0200 )edit

are you brave enough for another test (or two ;)?

Then you might flash (only if not booting), enable encryption (should be automatically if you flash a 3.3.x.x image, or?), install defender and then

systemctl stop harbour-defender.path harbour-defender.service harbour-defender.timer
systemctl disable harbour-defender.path harbour-defender.service harbour-defender.timers

cross fingers and reboot.

If it boots, lets enable the services one-by-one, first the service, then the timer and only then the path and reboot every time. Be prepared to see the non-booting device :(.

systemctl enable harbour-defender.service  
systemctl start harbour-defender.service


systemctl enable harbour-defender.timer  
systemctl start harbour-defender.timer


systemctl enable harbour-defender.path  
systemctl start harbour-defender.path

Reboot (bang?).

peterleinchen ( 2020-05-03 22:14:42 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2020-04-20 00:07:35 +0200

Seen: 409 times

Last updated: Apr 21 '20