sshfs mount is not accessible on Android apps

asked 2020-05-07 18:49:41 +0200

Ingvix gravatar image

updated 2020-05-07 18:49:56 +0200

I'm not sure if it's the encryption or dalvik version or what but on Xperia 10 the directory I mount my sshfs filesystem to become either non-existing or unaccessible while showing the size to be 0 bytes on Android apps. On Xperia X I could access sshfs mounts just fine.

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Did you check the permissions ? Can you provide any extra information like the mount point on your device / SailfishOS version / if you can see the mounted dir from Native Sailfish etc ?

nas ( 2020-05-07 23:04:29 +0200 )edit

@nas, I tested with the permissions and the ownership being identical with the directory without the mount, when it is accessible to Android apps, but it gave the same result. The mount point is in /home/nemo/android_storage/Pictures/sarjis. I'm on The mounted directory is fully accessable from native apps.

It seems that the Android apps see it as a file of unknown type rather than a directory, offering other apps to try to open it with when trying to open it in an Android file browser. The non-existence in some apps is probably because of that since at first I was trying to get to it with a comic reader app which of course only shows directories and supported file types.

Ingvix ( 2020-05-07 23:26:06 +0200 )edit