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Various bugs on fresh XA2 install.

asked 2020-06-08 00:30:26 +0200

Ramdam gravatar image


I have various strange behaviours on a fresh install of Sailfish X on a dual SIM Xperia XA2.

The phone has two SIM slots and was identified as a H4133 by the previous Lineage OS installation. But then the installation script (flash.sh) blocked at the following line:

PRODUCT=$($FASTBOOTCMD_NO_DEVICE -s $SERIALNO getvar product 2>&1 | head -n1 | cut -d ' ' -f2)

because the phone was identified as a H3110 (single SIM).

I installed Sailfish X for H3113 but indeed had only one SIM visible (and I really need two). So I changed the flash.sh script and the file with md5 checksums and forced the installation of Sailfish X for H4133. It worked well and I could see the two SIMs that work well.

Nonetheless various bugs appeared that make the phone not usable for the range of functionalities that I need:

  • The Wifi hotspot is connectable but do not give access to internet.
  • The GPS doesn't seem to work at all.
  • MANY android apps do not work (many of them used to work on the Intex Aqua Fish that I had 3 years ago).
  • After a while some Android apps do not seem to have access to the network (quite often Deezer that runs for long times).
  • After few days, the Android Store shows app suggestions, on searching, show search suggestions but when launching the search, keeps on displaying : "You don't have <app> in your added repositories".</app>

The rest works perfectly but that is a lot and If I can't fix, I think on switching back to LineageOS since Hotspot and GPS are two features that I really need (and more confidence on working Android apps also).

Thanks a lot I you have clues (or had similar issues and fixed it)

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I'm not at my computer at the moment, but those should all be solveable. What version of Sailfish do you have installed?

ksandom ( 2020-06-08 02:55:38 +0200 )edit

@Ramdam: If you are in doubt about the model of your phone, you can check it by connecting it to your computer in the fastboot mode (the blue light is lit) and by giving the command sudo fastboot getvar product (in the same way as the script command does it)

You should flash the correct image to the phone because there are so many problems.

The last problem (Android apps) in your list should have nothing to do with Sailfish OS.

jovirkku ( 2020-06-09 14:34:19 +0200 )edit


Thanks for for the answers.

I did run the fastboot getvar product and got H3113. As I precised, on LineageOS, in the settings, the phone was identified as a H4133.

I first installed Sailfish_OS-Jolla- but indeed had only one SIM showing. I then forced the installation of Sailfish_OS-Jolla- and both SIMs showed and worked, but I experienced all the listed bugs.

Since then, I also have my contacts app that doesn't work anymore and I have problem with the charging that sometimes stops.

Ramdam ( 2020-06-10 13:00:19 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2020-06-09 22:27:49 +0200

jollabit gravatar image

Hi Ramdam. I'm also switching from an old Intex Aqua Fish to a Sony Xperia XA2 Ultra (Kernel SW_binaries_for_Xperia_Android_8.1.6.4_r1_v16_nile.img). After a fresh SailfishOS installation, the Aptoide Store did not appear on the Icon List / Screen. So i deinstalled the Aptoide Store via JollaStore App. Then i started the Browser and went to this site: https://en.aptoide.com/download and manually downloaded the Aptoide Store, then installed it. Good Luck!

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Thanks for the feedback. I also installed the official Aptoide store. Sadly many apps aren't working.

Ramdam ( 2020-06-10 13:01:46 +0200 )edit

answered 2020-06-10 09:32:45 +0200

sylver gravatar image

On my H4133, I had the single/dual SIM issue as well. The solution was to flash it with the Sony Flash Tool first. You can get it here but unfortunately it only runs on Windows: https://developer.sony.com/develop/open-devices/get-started/flash-tool/download-flash-tool/

But GPS does not seem to work for me neither as I found out these days.

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Arfff, I'm on Linux :-(

Thanks for the feedback.

Ramdam ( 2020-06-10 13:02:55 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2020-06-08 00:30:26 +0200

Seen: 518 times

Last updated: Jun 10 '20