Could no enter App Settings for Android Apps
If I want to set the Android apps via the settings (Settings> Apps> Any Android App), the settings app hangs.
The Journal Log fills up with:
Jun 08 07:13:06 Sailfish estart[23619]: [W] unknown:145 - file:///usr/lib/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Silica/private/RemorseBase.qml:145:9: QML Label: Binding loop detected for property "width"
Any Ideas how to fix this. I cant get any Android apps to background.
Update 2020-06-08
Sorry I forgot. Handy is a Jolla Jolla with SFOS
I suspect you mean this problem: Which device and which Sailfish version do you use? If the situation is the same, the temporary solution is to revert to the previous version of Sailfish. I have not yet found another solution.
sailaway ( 2020-06-08 13:29:22 +0200 )edit@davodego, you may close this as duplicate of "No Android app functionality in the background (Xperia X / Sailfish", if it is.
Currently your description lacks the device and OS version used, etc.
olf ( 2020-06-08 21:42:28 +0200 )editI wrote to Jolla customer service. They have no idea either, despite log files from catlog and the journal. You advise me to do a factory reset. The setting for the background services of an app has to be saved somewhere. Does anyone know of a configuration file or database where it is. Maybe I can set it up manually without the Settings app.
davodego ( 2020-06-11 18:07:42 +0200 )editI clicked through the file system and found the file "apkConfigurationPage.qml". I also find a section called "Allow application background services to start on bootup". Does anyone know about qml here? Could you see from the file where the setting is saved to possibly change it by hand?
davodego ( 2020-06-11 22:44:28 +0200 )editThe problem has been solved. I had contact with Jolla customer service. They also had no other idea like a factory reset. The log files show nothing. Something was wrong with Aliendalvik, it seems. I tried something more before I do a factory reset. To do this, I uninstalled all Adroid apps and then Aliendalvik service and restarted the device. Now it didn't boot up completely. The first boot screen appeared, then the screen went black and stayed that way. I couldn't fix it other than with a factory reset. It works now as expected.
Thank you for the time and the work.
davodego ( 2020-06-14 18:00:55 +0200 )edit