[native app request] alarm feature on "working hours tracker"
asked 2020-06-12 02:28:40 +0200
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Hello sailors,
there is an great native app to use for improve the own productivity.
Currently in the corona moment, where some people may still work but should more care about their work time.
For the app called "working hours tracker" developed by @olpe, it would be interesting to have an option for notification and alarm if some event are reached (e.g. and of work-day).
Dev had no reaction on the store until now. Hope that he don't abandon it. here the repo for support it https://github.com/olpeh/wht
Thx for the app
If you got a GitHub account, open an issue there. That's surely the best way to request features for 3rd-party apps
rozgwi ( 2020-06-12 09:59:50 +0200 )editHey, it's me. I replied to the comment in the issue. Sorry about not responding in the store. Sadly there's no way of getting notifications for those. I used to have a bot that notified me when the comment amount changed in order to check that out, but that does not run anymore.
olpe ( 2020-06-12 11:36:59 +0200 )editThank you both for reply.
cemoi71 ( 2020-06-12 15:37:52 +0200 )edit@rozgwi already done, he had it already in checklist, made a comment, & give little donation for spending coffee pause. It's not a lot, but if other one may do it too, it could be nice.
@olpe yes i know, and i think its a real problem for user and developer, it would permit a better interaction between all. Dev should have a better overview if the app is well appreciated. I can represent myself that it quite frustrating if we get the info a couple of month later. Jolla should improve their tool for better interaction. Maybe a tjc thread which make the promotion of the own tool could be helpfull. Yours could really a gold one in corona time. believe me
by the way about app store overview. I tried to bring this theme up https://together.jolla.com/question/52591/harbour-and-latest-reviews/?answer=228039#post-id-228039
cemoi71 ( 2020-06-13 20:58:31 +0200 )editThanks for that!
olpe ( 2020-06-14 13:50:18 +0200 )edit