Android Environment after update to SFOS 3.3 fails

asked 2020-06-19 15:26:25 +0300

speefak gravatar image

updated 2020-06-19 17:27:15 +0300


i updated my Xperia X Device manually from Version to

ssu re
version --dup

After that the android support is not working any more. The Aliendalvik core seems to work correctly, so i can start and stop the android system from the settings => android menu.

Checking running and quitting adlien-davik :

pgrep -a alien
1278 /system/genv/bin/alien_settings_server
2388 /system/bin/alien_init
2416 zygote /bin/alien-main -Xzygote /system/bin --zygote --start-system-server
2421 /system/genv/bin/alien_audio_server
2422 /system/genv/bin/alien_media_control
2423 /system/genv/bin/alien_resource_mgr
2425 /system/genv/bin/aliensensorserver
2426 /system/genv/bin/alien_timezone_monitor
2427 /system/genv/bin/alien_bridge_server bm ap no li po nc vi pm ar
2428 /system/genv/bin/alien_bridge_server co
2429 /system/genv/bin/alien_bridge_server wi ri
2430 /system/genv/bin/alien_bridge_server ms fo
2431 /system/genv/bin/alien_gps_server
2432 /system/genv/bin/alien_keyboard_server

stop android service in settings => adroidsupport and checking again

pgrep -a alien
1278 /system/genv/bin/alien_settings_server

It looks like alien-dalvik is working correctly. But if i install the Store or F-Droid App from Jolla Store the installation seems to run without errors ( no errors in GUI/Jolla Store App ), the App get the grey hooked mark. But the App is shown now where in the Appsscreen list.

Before this error of "unseen apps" some android apps installed with the "preupdated" version ( ) are shown in the Appoverview but if i start them the little tiny apploadwindow opens, the load circle turns araound a few seconds and the the app is closing without any error messages. I tried serveral howtos to find the error, search a lot of "logfile view instructions" but nowhere comes an errormessage to specify or solve the problem:

Basicly i think the problem is not the alien-dalvik environment itself but the alien-dalvik and wayland interaction. A possible commit mismatch between the graphic output of the alien-dalvik to wayland input caused from libs. But Where do i find the errormessages ? How can i start aliendalvik and wayland in debugmode showing detailed logs or is using strace the goal to find the error ?

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Have you installed @coderus ' Aliendalvik Control? A previous version stopped Alien Dalvik to start in SFOS 3.3.0. I'd suggest to uninstall Aliendalvik Control, restart the phone and if Alien Dalvik comes up to install latest version of Aliendalvik Control.

jollajo ( 2020-06-19 22:48:11 +0300 )edit

I guess you missed a stop release if you have updated directly from to

Pohli ( 2020-06-20 11:51:16 +0300 )edit

I removed ALL android components and reinstalled the alien-dalvik package but the error still persists.

Stop release, i read the info after updating. I think i have to reflash my Xperia, or do you think i should downgrade to the stop release an after that directly update the actual version ?

speefak ( 2020-06-20 20:36:33 +0300 )edit

I'm not an expert in this stuff so I would follow the official advice which can be found on the same page (chapter 6) I already linked here.

Pohli ( 2020-06-21 11:50:48 +0300 )edit

@Pohli: You are right.
@speefak: Upgrading directly from to would imply skipping over the stop release 3.2.0. This could cause different conflicts with Please read

jovirkku ( 2020-06-22 15:59:55 +0300 )edit