How to free up space on the device?
My Jolla is complaining about free space all the time and I know my Spotify playlists take up a huge portion of that but that's not what I would like to remove if there's something else that could be removed.
I can't seem to get a good overview on what can be done about the situation. I have deleted videos, mp3's and gone through all the folders that can be seen using Windows Explorer because I can't access it using Linux Mint other than via SSH. Usually I use WinDirStat/KDirStat or a similar app to find out what could be deleted but that's not possible with MTP I guess. It's pretty cumbersome to try to find out what /data/data/com. folders can be removed too. 16GB has already been consumed and I haven't got that may offline playlists. I have about 4 pages with apps but most of them are just really simple and small ones.
Can something be transferred to MicroSD if I get one? I'm not sure if a factory reset is the answer either. It could be a workaround for a month or two.
"There's an app for that". No there isn't.
I know this is kind of related to the MTP and USB Storage questions.
Several things can be transferred to the μSD card and will be indexed by tracker hence available for things like the Media player. However, currently the card won't be exported via MTP so if you want to read/modify them you'll need to do it either via a file manager/command-line on the device or pull the card out and do it on a computer. Android access to the card may also pose another problem if that's important for you. All of these things I believe are going to be fixed with feature updates in the future.
steph ( 2014-02-04 14:23:06 +0200 )editI hope the CuteSpotify playlists can also be moved to MicroSD. That would solve my problems for a while. The main issue I guess is that I can't figure out what to move anymore. I have deleted everything I have except for a couple of photos and the CuteSpotify offline playlists. The Android apps I use aren't that important but they are nice to have around. About 50% Sailfish and 50% Android apps.
Wizah ( 2014-02-04 16:31:46 +0200 )editI have now removed pretty much everything except my apps and now the it says I've used 12.3GB/13.7GB which means that my apps consume in average about 120MB each ;) My guess is that I've got around 10GB of junk somewhere and I don't have a clue what it is. Seems like the factory reset option is getting closer. I wouldn't care to move that junk to an MicroSD card.
Wizah ( 2014-02-04 23:25:06 +0200 )editI'd assume that some app is stuffing your storage with log files or temporary data and does not clean up properly... whenever I wonder about disk usage in unix systems, I use
tokaru ( 2014-02-05 12:14:48 +0200 )editdu --max-depth=1
to get summarized disk usage for the current directory. Usually it takes just a few steps deeper into the file system to find the culprit. In developer mode, use the terminal app or SSH access to investigate. Switch to root user to inspect disk usage outside/home/nemo